Howdy all, been away from the game for a couple of years but getting back into it. Whipped up a test model of how I want my skinks and sauri to look and thought I might as well throw it online. Figure I'll just keep adding as the army develops. Critiques welcome.
Welcome back to the hobby! Nice colors. I like the scales. Personally imo, I would suggest going with either the orange or the red, but not together unless it's for blending, but that is my personal opinion. Looking forward to seeing some progress pics! - Lord Cedric
I agree with Cedric. The orange/blue scheme is great but the red shield clashes with the orange somewhat. I think more blue (since the blue scales on the model look so great, why not do more of it?) or maybe bone would look better. Still, the painting is solid. The base is also good.
Okay, time for an update! First off, the rest of that lone saurus. It only brings the unit up to 18, so I'll have to do some more guys down the line. And here's a close up of the standard bearer Now we've got a whole slew of skinks in the mix as well And a skink close up Unfortunately it seems that all of the details on the saurus have been washed out. Any tips on how I should set up my lighting so I can hopefully show them off a little better in my next batch?
Great looking models so far! I really like the colors and the highlighting on the scales is very nice.
the painting quality is nice, though i too question the choice of red as a 3rd color. green, purple, yellow, pink and turquoise to name a few would give a much better contrast imo. you still have a nice looking army, so dont let my complaining bring you down
I understand your worries, as I had received the same criticism after the test model. I think all I can say is that the models look different on camera than in real life and look like they fit with the models better than the picture belies. Not sure how to explain it but I suppose you'll have to trust me for now. For the hand weapon saurus, whenever I get around to them, maybe I'll give them a different shield color as a method of unit differentiation (aside from the different weapons of course). Right now I'm working on my salamanders so I'll update those after they're all done. Time for a poll though: I want to do the Slann sooner rather than later - what should his colors be? Originally I was tempted to do a hypnotoad conversion but after further thought decided that those colors are far too muted for the rest of the army. Perhaps given the orange tones of my foot soldiers I should give him a scheme like the slann on the box Then again, should I make different from others so as to stand out? Inquiring minds want to know.
Looking good. I don't think things necessarily HAVE to contrast to look good, as long as they don't clash awkwardly, which I don't think the red and the orange are doing. You have the blue and the orange which contrast nicely, the shield doesn't have to contrast as well IMO.
I'm always a fan of the orange/blue. But like everyone else I'm not much f a fan of those red shields. Also not much of a fan of the red skink crests. Not because of clashing though. JUst because red crested skinks are, in the lizardmen lore, somewhat rare and is a mark of greatness. I think if you include blue in your scheme you'd be better off painting the crests blue and saving the red crests for your chief, priest and champs. But that isn't really a vissual thing. Just a prefrence of mine. Haha
Personally, I think the red and orange are great. There's enough contrasting colours there already, IMO. However, to me the unit is just too bright (could just be the photos, though). I might suggest muting the red a little bit, with a heavy wash of badab black, and optionally doing some edge highlighting. That would reduce the glare a bit.