Hey, Does anyone know of any Slann painting tutorials or anything like that? I promised myself I would finally start on my Slann but I always hate beginning because I have to make new color choices so I'm looking for some examples, and a technique on how to make the stone palanquin look decent.
An easy way of making the stone look good would be a simple foundation paint, like Dheneb stone, and then a wash over top, either black or mud. 'Course, I went the hard way and painted all the lowered areas gold then all the raised areas I'm doing black, then I'll gloss it to look like obsidian with gold inlay... It's a lot of work though. As for the Slann himself, you can really paint him any colour under the sun, as complicated or simple as you like. For mine, I want him pale and albino as that's important lore wise but it'll also contrast well with his dark palanquin. I'll do mine dheneb stone, bleached bone, a light wash of some mixture of blue/green/purple then highlights in bleach bone and up to white.
Hey, Moniker! Do you happen to have any pictures of your Slann? I like the idea of obsidian inlined with gold!
Not yet. The base is done but the throne is still very much a work in progress. Actually I haven't got any pictures yet...
Sounds like a good idea Moniker. If you finish I would also like to see some pictures (still need to paint mine as well)
If you type in on YouTube painting Slann Mage priest there is a great tutorial by richiebushralina. Hope that helps.