Looking for Old School Saurus Shields!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by tankrothchild, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    I've been painting up my old Lizardmen as my new/retro army, and found I'm short on shields for my 60 Saurus Warriors. It's funny because I was giving this army (unpainted, partially horribly painted) when I first was introduced to Warhammer, I think it was somewhere around 1999-2000. I've played with them but quickly moved on to other armies. I played wood elves for years and now I'm back to lizzies for good. I have all these old and IMO awesome models and I decided to get them table ready for next weekend. Things have been going great, I have 3 units of skinks finished, and I'm about to finish 2 units of 30 Saurus Warriors, but I'm pretty low on shields for them, I may have 20-30.

    So If any of you Lizardmen Generals have some old shields laying around you don't want, painted or unpainted, I'd be happy to take them off your hands.

    I'll add some pics for fun:

    Here is what the army looked like for the last 12 years (there are more models, this is just a few):


    Here is the skinks getting their base coat:


    34 finished skinks in their movement trays:


    Saurus Warriors got new magnetic bases:


    Warriors in progress:


    If you have any of the old school round shields collecting dust please let me know I'd like to get them ASAP!

    Thanks Guys!
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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  3. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Hey thanks for the link! I have to take a count, but 0.50 a piece on GW isn't horrible I guess. If I only need 30 or so that'll be around $16, before shipping...I've been searching ebay daily but no luck.

    I did some more work on the warriors tonight, they are coming along nicely, I'll post pics tomorrow.
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Well, not to boost their sales or anything but.... they are offering free shipping on purchases over $30 within the U.S. and Canada. :smug:

    I'm going to slowly retrofit my old guys with new shields as I seem to have a bunch of the newer hide shileds left over from various kits. After that I'm planning on using the old shields to convert my skink archers to jav/shield cohort guys since they line up so much easier than the new ones do.

    Looking forward to seeing your army finished up!
  5. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    on a non-related matter, it may not be wise to mount your front rank on one of those "rank-bases". the reason is that the champion will often have to move to accept challenges, and he may be killed prematurely. it can be a bit annoying to not be able to place him in the right spot or to remove him if he is slain. also, for tactical reasons, it is generally best to place your champion at the corner of the unit rather than in the centre. ;)
  6. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    It's funny you pointed out the champion thing, because when I was basing them I actually thought about this for a while. Playing WEs MSU style army I never really had a rank and file unit. But since I'll only be playing friendly games I figured it won't matter that much, but, I guess if I'm going to change it now is the time before I finish off the bases...I could pop off the champion and throw a regular troop in his place.

    Is that strange to have a front that would be: | Reg | Reg , Banner , Reg , Musician | Champion |

    Damn maybe I'll change it...haha

    Thanks for the heads up on this!
  7. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    I really like the idea of converting the skink archers! I have a decent 2400 list, but my friend (having a large ogre army) is pushing for more points, I have 4 old krox unpainted, and I still have tons of skink archers unpainted, maybe I'll do some converting and make some cohort units, that'll help boost my points.

    But I need to finish this other stuff first. The real nice thing I found with painting up this army is, since I never dropped hundreds of dollars buying the models, I really don't have that "OMG, I spent so much money I want to make them look amazing!" which in turn means, "OMG I'll never ever finish!" I've been pretty much speed painting them to gaming quality, but I hoping they will all look coherent and clean on the table.

    I'll post some more pics this evening.
  8. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Check out n810's army and terrain blog. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/heres-my-lizardmen-army-so-far-spaming-the-gallery.3032/ Quite successful conversions in my opinion.

    Not to deviate, but what is the advantage to doing this? I know of some people that put their unit champs on the edge like that, but I though it was because the model didn't fit nicely in the center.
  9. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    the "tactical advantage" is that if you fight a unit with a narrow frontage, fewer enemies will have contact with your champion, making him less likely to die. that is the same reason why other races place their mages in the corner of their units. should the champion be left outside combat you can always have him "make way" back to combat.
  10. Little Wolf

    Little Wolf New Member

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    I just came across an ebay lot for 35 shields. Maybe you're interested. http://www.ebay.nl/itm/Lizardmen-Saurus-Old-Style-shields-x-35-/270933076949?pt=UK_Toys_Wargames_RL&hash=item3f14deabd5#ht_500wt_1321
  11. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Well Qupakoco has already told you, but I just want to chip in that I use the old saurus shields for my whole army (I liked to look of them a lot better) and I must say that ordering them from GW is far the best option. Sure it's somewhat expensive but I think it's worth the hassle that it is to find them at and whatnot.

    Just my 2 cents
  12. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Hey guys, thanks for the responses, I think I'll end up ordering from GW, I was hoping I'd have them for this weekend, but what I think I'll do is take the shields I have and only apply them to the outside warriors to give the impression the whole unit has shields. Here are some pics from my crap iphone of the almost finished warriors, they need shields and some static grass which I am current out of, my modular table sucked up my whole container:




    Whoa, I just realized if you right click on the pics and view image you can see them at full size, neat!

    Next I'm painting up 12 new skinks to work as my chameleon skinks, old school steg, old slann touch up and I'm going to mount him on a new slann platform, should look neat, cold one vet, and one convert sally, I have 3 days to finish as I can't work on them Thurs or Fri, I'm not going to make it since characters I'll be pulling out the real skills instead of this speed painting, but we will give it a go!
  13. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    These look extremely nice! I always love to see oop models painted up to good standards and with modern techniques!
  14. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Thanks! I'm really happy how they turned out. Considering what they looked like when I acquired them, I am pretty excited about giving them a new life and getting them on the table. I'm going to make use out of all my older generation lizardmen models and mix in some new ones. All of my core will be retro models for sure.

    I realized I've been playing warhammer off and on for a decently long time, so I wanted my "new" army to display that history a bit, and also saving all that money on models help make the decision easier too!

    I'll post some more pictures as I finish the models I have, I'll snap some shots of my battle against the ogres this weekend too.
  15. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Very well done! I like what you have done to resurrect oop models. It's interesting to me what a fresh newer style painting can do to older models. The main reason that I didn't get into Lizardmen initially (back in 5th edition - which include the moodels you have) was because I didn't like the way the models looked; granted that I didn't look at the model itself, but the paint job of it. But I wasn't a model painter then at all and had no "vision" of what could be done to them.

    Either way, it was a turn off for me and unfortunately my 5th ed. lizardmen units got thrown in a box while my Brets came to life instead. My first ever WH purchase was the starter box set with Brets and Lizardmen from 5th edition. I still have my models and someday they may see table top action. But Your plog has shown me just what could be done to them.

    Keep up the great work and I am looking forward to your updates!

    - Lord Cedric
  16. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Thanks! I had the same opinion as you when I was first given the models 12 years ago, I looked at all the armies and thought there were so many other models out there that looked a ton better, and I swayed towards empire and started an army and shelved the lizardmen. My group of players passed these models around to new comers for a while and I somehow ended up with them.

    Now returning, it's only one of my buddies and myself, he has a fully painted ogre army he picked up on ebay a few years back (for a complete steal I must say), and I wanted to make sure my army had paint. I lurked on here for a little and decided, I really do love these little lizards. So I rounded up what I had and was pretty impressed I am able to field a decent amount of points, so I thought it was a great idea to get working.

    I tried to keep with some basic colors, I'm pretty much going Red Green Blue as my main palette. Brown, gold, and bleach bone for secondary stuff. I knew to finish 60 warriors and 30+ skinks, I needed some colors that were simple and would pop. So I went to my hardware store and found florescent green and periwinkle blue in matte spray, and went from there. Spray, paint base colors, dark wash everything, "free hand"/dry brush highlights, that's it. Now moving forward on my heroes and some specials I will give more attention. I'm thinking for my chameleon skinks to bring in more bleach bone, say on the soft underbellies and red scales, I'm thinking this will further solidify the RGB palette. And since the chams are usually always away from the main block of the army I think it'll add a little more pop. Pics to come!
  17. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Since I'm on lunch and had these pics I figured I'd throw them up:

    First, I love this model, I like the frog slann better than the newer one actually:

    Here is what it looked like for 12 years:

    Here I just did some preliminary work on his skin (although now I noticed this pic is blurry, I really should break out my nikon if I'm gonna be posting this stuff, lol):

    I decided I didn't want the slann to be carried like the older generation, I wanted that awesome floating platform, found it on ebay shipped 15 bucks, not bad (also noticed the skin looks better in this shot):

    I'm hoping to get around to the slann this week, but not sure if he'll be finished, I mean, my general/battle standard bearer/pain train, lol, should be top notch right?

    Attached Files:

  18. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    I didn't get as much done as I had hoped last night, but here are some WIP of the chameleon skinks:

    I am surprised at the detail these little guys have, a lot more detail than the older generation (taller too).

    All glued and ready to be primed:

    Seems close enough to bleached bone :) :




    Started the base colors, in this pic I realized I'm painting mini Carnosaurs (which will become more apparent once washed):


    I knew I liked this color combo for some reason....

    I base coated all weapons and anything that will be gold, in brown:


    That's all I got done, I'm going to do the eyes in green and paint the gold parts, wash and highlight, hopefully all this evening as I have a full night to paint after work, wish me luck!
  19. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    It is interesting that you are using a satin spray paint to get those done quickly. I have never seen this done. That is a great idea!

    Thanks for the inspiration. A question though, do you use blue tack or something to anchor them to the yard stick?
  20. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    I'm glad you like my idea!

    I use the reusable blue tack, good guess! The color range for spray paint is pretty weak when it comes to flat and satin finishes. But there are definitely some decent colors, at least to get you going.

    If I'm painting a character or a model that's really going to be showcased I don't use this technique. I opt for the black primer coat and then a white coat from the top, easier to see shadows and definition.

    But for units like this, I find its a great way to speed through. Depending on your other colors going on the model you may have to base coat some parts twice to make sure the undercoat isn't showing through, but that all depends on your paints too. Foundation paints seem to do well on any color undercoat.

    I was leery of satin at first, but there really isn't any sheen at all once the paint dries. Being able to use satin really opens up some more colors, just for these chameleons alone there were 3-4 different shades of white to pick from. I thought the almond match my liquitex titanium white (basically bleached bone from gw) the closest.

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