8th Ed. ideas for gw on new units

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Tliitza, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. Tliitza
    Jungle Swarm

    Tliitza New Member

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    I know that there will pass alot of time before a new release but were wondering if any one got any for new units/ old redone and the sort in the book it shows the flying serpent with a skink lord or priest mabey the new super monster or a new lord its page 5 and on page 58 and 62 there are small ones if you already dicussed it please refer i also got the idear when tombs Sepulchral Stalkers came out that mabey monster cav for LM would be snake men with either four arms with a sword in each or to arms with a halbred what do you think
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I'm guessing we are getting a big dinosaur. Most 8th ed army books have a new unit that takes a very large kit. A large dinosaur isn't almost guaranteed. I'm thinking a water dinosaur is more likely than not. They wouldn't have made a rule in the BRB for Sea Creatures if they didn't plan to use it and none of the army books, FAQ revisions, or the Storm of Magic entries include a Sea Creature yet.

    I'd really like Skink fast cavalry to come back. Given the tendency to have dual kits, I find it likely to for a cavalry set to have bits to make Saurus and Skink Cavalry. Also because of my plethora of old skink cav models I'm hoping Horned Ones become an ordinary mount option for skink characters. It'd be nice if Skink priests could ride Terradons too.

    I'd like to see Saurus get a two hand weapon option. I'd like to see a Saurus character a with great weapon. I think regular Saurus would be overpowered with great weapons though.

    I think the newer Salamanders are ugly, so we should get some new Salamander models. Personally I got six of the old school kind so I don't need any personally. I think the current chamo skinks are pretty lousy models too. I'd like ot see something similar to the chameleon special character model.

    I'd really like to see coatls. I wouldn't mind seeing slann mummies become a lord option, since all Slann get mummified, not just Kroak. I figure a typical Slann mummy would be slightly less powerful than a living Slann. I wouldn't mind seeing a Kroxigor hero, , a Tet model, , lobotoimized humans of Tlatlan, or Skink Chulchan Cavalry either.
  3. Anton_S
    Temple Guard

    Anton_S Member

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    I don't see Lizardmen getting a new book anytime soon, but when we do I would expect all existing plastics to stay unchanged. They are all good kits. I would expect another big dinosaur too, maybe a Carnosaur/new monster dual kit. Salamander/Razordon is definitely possible as well.

    But there's always the chance that we get some new models without the book. And someone said Warhammer Forge would release a couple of dinosaurs in a not so distant future.
  4. Maazie
    Cold One

    Maazie Member

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    Well who is next to get a New Codex?

    So far we have Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Orcs and Goblins, Ogre Kingdoms.

    I'm gonna say probably Dwarves, Bretonia, or Empire.

    I would love to see a new Codex for us Just to fix a bunch of our broken Special Characters. (Kroak, Chakrax, etc)

    New Models would be nice...

    So who do you think is next to get a Codex? And How often do they come out?
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Stores are unable to order existing Empire merchandise from GW. That pretty much confirms Empire as the next book out and coming fairly soon at that.
  6. Anton_S
    Temple Guard

    Anton_S Member

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    Empire is next, that much is certain. April 7th, with advance orders to coincide with WD on March 31st.

    Chaos Warriors are probably not far away but apart from that it's all speculation. They've kept a good pace recently so there's good hope for most armies to get a hardback within a few years.
  7. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    I keep hearing Dwarfs and Brets.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    That's because they still have 6th ed books. Same for the Wood Elves.
  9. Kaixili

    Kaixili New Member

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    I'm betting (and hoping) for Wood Elves. Heard a rumor that they were going into playtesting soon, but as with all rumors, don't hold your breath.
  10. Pyre

    Pyre Member

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    I've read from a from various rumor mongers: Empire, Dwarfs, then Warriors and Bretts (though this one is still up for some debate). The only one that seems pretty certain is Empire though.

    As for the original subject, looking at the current releases I think we'll see significant changes to existing units first. Cold One Cav, Kroxigors, Jungle Swarms, and perhaps even Stegadons will get cheaper. I think Stegadons might get moved entirely into Special to add another big dino into the rare slot. Swarms would likely become true core, but we might loose the SKrox combined unit (they've been doing away with "unusual" unit types it seems). Expect the Slann to get thoroughly beaten with the arcane nerf bat, or at least loose things like Rumination and Consciousness.

    Actual new units would depend on which way they decide to do. Ogres went toward big monstrous units (makes sense) while Vampires got more killy and better special infantry. Orcs got cheaper so there more of them and Tomb Kings... got hosed. It wouldn't surprise me to see Lizards go more for the infantry heavy grinder army: it fits with Cold Blooded, higher toughness, and lots of Scaly Skin saves. In that case there'd probably be some regeneration thrown in, cheaper Saurus, maybe more weapon options, and probably at least one more monstrous infantry option.

    I'm actually really excited to see the Empire release. The Ogre and Vampire books both allowed for more viable builds than their predecessors did. Sure there are still "optimal" builds but both now have more than ONE viable build, and that bodes well for future books if the Empire follows suit.

  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I don't expect Stegadons to become solely Special. I haven't read the Ogre book, but O&G, VC, and TK seem top heavy with lots of Rare options. I don't think Ancient Stegadons need to "make room" for us to get a new Rare unit. We have three Rares at the moment. TK has 5, VC 6, O&G 8. I think ogres have 4. I'm guessing 4 will be the new minimum. I would only be half surprised if Chameleon skinks became Rare though. They used to have a 0-1 restriction and GW might yearn for the old days and make it Rare to make it 0-2.

    I expect to lose at least one of our more popular disciplines and/or Cupped Hands though I don't think the Slann will face a giant nerf.
  12. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Reading what you said about the rares, its crazy that High Elves just have bolt throwers and eagles.

    Or do alot of old books only have 2 rares?
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Bretts only have two. HEs are an elite army so they can take 4 of each Rare choice in a non grand army though. That puts HEs ahead of Bretts in Rares in a way.
  14. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    As a TK player, first I lol'd, but then I was like, why am I laughing?? Good one, though.

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