8th Ed. 2000pt March of the Dinosaurs =Updated List= 24/03/12

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Moniker, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Let's be honest about one of the main reasons we play Lizardmen: Big damn dinosaurs! One of my lads who's in town rarely due to work challenged me to the first 2000pt game I'll have played since... 6th edition. He's a High Elf player, and I want to come out swinging a few big sticks. Here's one of the ideas I've been fiddling with.

    Shield of the Mirrored Pool
    Carnosaur Pendant
    Armour of Destiny

    Skink Priest
    Engine of the Gods
    Level 2
    Plaque of Tepoc
    Talisman of Endurance

    20 Saurus, FC
    20 Saurus, FC
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    3 Salamanders

    Oldblood - the idea with him is that, frankly, I'm a little paranoid. I've only played him once - again back in 6th - and the other guy shot at him with everything he had, taking him down before combat happened. Having the Carnosaur pendant and the Halberd just gives him a little extra punch in combat. A great weapon would work too since I won't be hitting first, but I'd lose the shield.

    Priest - A strong enough wizard without being a slann. Between the Engine and the Plaque, he's essentially a lvl 3 wizard, plus with the engines abilities. The gungan shield will be handy to keep my big gribblies safe from whatever shooting he has. Plus, ancient stegadon to throw in once combat is joined with my Saurus. The ward save is so he doesn't get taken off the engine, making it a waste of points.

    I'd like for my blocks to be bigger, but just don't have the points. With luck, they won't be whittled down too much thanks to Iceshard Blizzard and the Engine of the Gods

    The skinks, both Chameleons and Skirmishers, should be enough to provide some disruption and take care of a warmachine or eagle if he has them.

    Salamanders? Salamanders are pretty straight forward. Elves roast easy.

    Thoughts, questions, comments or concerns?
  2. erians

    erians Active Member

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    Re: 2000pt March of the Dinosaurs

    Both Halberd and Great Weapon are two handed weapons, so you can't use a shield with either. I'm not sure what happends if you take a GW and a magical shield, if you take a magical weapon you must fight with it but I'm not sure if you have to fight with HW+Shield if you take a magical shield...

    True Line of Sight makes the Carnousaur a very easy target, anything that can shoot kills it fast.
    As you don't generate dice like you used to the EotG is a lot worse, as you pay a lot of pts for +1 to cast & dispel. The Slann is infinitely more powerful, they are on completely different levels (way better magic items, crazy powerful disciplines, very strong lores). It s good you have a second big target, that way the opponent is forced to target either the Priest or the Carno.

    Consider playing with 1 big block, like 1 block of 30 and use the spare points for another skirmish unit.

    Most HE players play 2-4 RBTs, so you might want to consider a 2nd Cammo unit or some terradons.

    Split them up into 2 units (2+1)
  3. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Re: 2000pt March of the Dinosaurs

    I made a very similar list for my upcoming tourney so check out my thread

  4. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Re: 2000pt March of the Dinosaurs

    D'oh. Rookie mistake on the halberd, though he can't be targeted by magic missiles in combat anyway so if he's trying to shoot at him with gun spells the shield will still do its job.

    I know a Priest is nothing compared to a Slann, but for what I was after in this list - dinosaurs - he'll do. Plus the bubble shield will do wonders against his shooting - though I know my lad doesn't favour a hugely shooty army. I think he only has one or two bolt throwers anyway. With a carnosaur and two stegs, he's got a lot of choices to make. Plus he's terrified of the Stegadon, a regular one wrecked one of his units last game.

    Eladmir, I like your Carnosaur build. I could do that and save some points, likely get some Terradons which would be blood handy.

    I would have split the Salamanders but I didn't have the spare points for an extra handler on the lone one :p

    I don't like running around with just one big block. I've tried it and I prefer two. I find that too much of the game rides on that one block... Mind you, with so many other targets running around it may work... I'll fiddle around and see what I come up with.

    Thanks for your suggestions guys! I have a slann list built too, but damnit I like my dinosaurs! :smug:
  5. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Re: 2000pt March of the Dinosaurs

    I would add the Frog Poison for 10 points to the GW at the least.

    I cheaped out everywhere I could to get myself 3 decent combat blocks.

    you could drop down to two combat blocks and spend the change of skirmishers and chamos and more items etc.
  6. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    So I've chatted with some folk, and listened to what you lot have posted and I've reworked my list some. I love me some Carnosaur, but a Slann is really just too good to pass up.

    Life Slann
    Lichbone Pendant (Magic resist 1)
    -Free Power Dice
    -Immune to Mundane Weapons

    LA, GW, VoFF
    Crown of Command

    Skink Priest
    Engine of the Gods
    Dispel Scroll
    Ironcurse Icon

    26 Saurus Warriors, FC
    11 Skinks /w Musician + Kroxigor
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    8 Chameleon Skinks

    3 Salamanders

    Thoughts? I'm undecided on whether to run the Slann around solo or in the Saurus unit with the Scar Vet. I'm certain the block will come into contact with a block of his with some uber-prince whose magic weapons will cut through the ethereal. That said, Regen +4 via Life and magic resistance is a really handy thing on my only decent combat block. He would have the SV to protect him some. As it is now, he can move in and out freely without me ruining things.
  7. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Hm... I can drop the Kroxigor and the musician in the Cohort and get up to 32 Saurus...

    What do you guys think? Or should twenty six be durable enough with the Life Slann?
  8. erians

    erians Active Member

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    I'd drop it, a single krox in a unit of 11 skinks isn't a terribly effective set up. I'd upgrade those to 10 skirmishers instead and add saurus to 30.
  9. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    I still worry about a single troop block and two stegs vs anothers army.

    Not much constructive crititsism offered there sry.

    I'd say play it and let us know how it went
  10. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    And what are you thinking about where I should have my slann? In the unit, or wandering around behind?
  11. erians

    erians Active Member

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    You should have the Slann where he has good positioning, is safe and has good LOS. You don't need a designated bunker or a specific placements for him in mind, just deploy him where he should be according to above criteria and you opponents deploy. It might be tricky at first but you learn pretty quickly where he and isn't safe. Basically anywhere he can't be shot or charged is fine.
  12. SouthlandLizardman

    SouthlandLizardman New Member

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    On the Oldblood I'd go with a Cold One instead of a Carnosaur and I would give him GW, Armour of Destiny, Dawnstone, Crown of Command.

    With CoC he'll be able to hold blocks better, and since he is on a Cold One instead of a Carno they have to target him with his 1+ re-rollable and 4+ Ward save. On top of that he's T5 so against T3 rank n file he'll hold up entire units himself until help arrives to deal with them properly (in the flanks).

    The Carnosaur just lacks the survivability to be worth it's points, and with those saved points you can odd more troops which will out prefrom the Carno 9 times out of 10.

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