Stegadon Conversions

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Scalenex, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    So I'm planning a very ambitious Stegadon conversion, a zombie Stegadon for a Vampire Counts pact force for Storm of Magic and make a Mazdamundi. Before I do something really awesome and challenging, I need to do something kind of awesome and relatively easy

    I was thinking Stegadons not trained form combat. I was planning on using magnets for Howdahs since Stegadons and Howdahs separately. So I thought maybe making a howdah substitute to represent a pack Stegadon. I know it would only be useable in special scenarios but the idea won't leave my head and I think iit might look cool.

    So do you think skinks would attached a bunch of sacks, a giant box, or what for Steggy beasts of burden?

    The second thought I had was substituting a Stegadon for a battering ram for siege scenarios. They only move forward and bash things like the battering ram and can't fight. I figure instead of putting the crew on a howdah, the crew would follow with poking sticks like a Salamander team. I'm not sure what to change on the Stegadon for a "battering ram" though. A giant helmet maybe?

    Hopefully something reversible so it can be converted back inot a regular Stegadon, I'm not made of money, I'd prefer to not have to use a Stegadon kit entirely for my training wheel conversions if possible.
  2. Maazie
    Cold One

    Maazie Member

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    Very Cool. I am always interested in people making Mazamundi
  3. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    The Great Beast of Gorgoroth 'howdah' has the sort of gear on it - if you remove the orcs - of the kind of pack equipment I would expect to see on a Stegadon.

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