my armys start or at least start of painting..... Finished saurus only the base is wip Wip skink scheme, basecoat is almost done finished steg that has wip howdah and jewelry AND the wip howdah did not find it first but here it is comments pls rate and stuff tell me what do you like??
Those are some nice quality models you got there. If you had asked if a Steg would look good with a brown-purple colour scheme, I probably would have said no, but now that I have seen the ready product, I have to say it ROCKS! Also, how did you paint the bones, especially on the saurus?
thanks for comments. But IF i remeber correctly saurus bones were basecoated scorched brown going higher was graveyard earth then came a mix of graveyard and dheneb stone OR pure dheneb stone and when i wasnt happy with that i painted the tips with watered down 1:1 mix of skull white and dheneb stone. im gonna make the bones only 3 color versions but that was a kinda test model so it has a little more. The STEG had easier bones .. basecoat bleached bone washed with black ink and watered down charadon granite, re painted bleached bone and as you can see going to te tips painted with thinned skull white
crazy! I was actually thinking of doing my entire army a brown/purple color scheme. darker colors for skinks going to bright for nastier models. Now I can see what it actually looks like I love it!