Hey this is just a quick test run of my new camera phone, finally got something that I think can take acceptable pics. Just posting a couple of images first to see what it all looks like, hope you all enjoy. Obviously the back of my Krox, these are WIP not finished, as you can see the gold on some is not finished but I've just started to experiment with NMM so I wanted to try them out for it. The models themselves are a joy to paint and the sculps are brillaint, that said their are a nightmare for chipping and I've had to go over the edges atleast twice on each just to clear up these patches. The colour scheme is kinda a mix of the "desert black/orange lizard" (I'm sure you know the one I mean) with the idea of "magma" lizards. I like the scheme as a whole but it did present a challenge when it came to painting my Salamanders because I didn't want them to be "samey" but more of that when I get the pics up. Start of the NMM on their weapons, again really fun to paint but honestly the whole thing stresses me to high heaven haha. Going for a dull gold on them, not for any real reason other than its just the technique that has worked for me. Hope you guys enjoy these as I said I'll try post some more compreshesive pics. asap, though at I don't have my movement trays with me for the blocks but hey. Enjoy
Re: Orange Lizards-Update 1 So update 1: Consisting of most of what is painted at the moment... I have 2 units of 20 HW+S and then 1 unit of 12 with spears, but the spear unit hasn't been painted yet and just sits with a base coat. The saurus are not fully assembled when I paint them, I find the crests get in the way so their heads and shields are painted seperatly and then added on afterwards. The back scales are all dry brushed as it's really hard to do a proper fade with the colours as the scales don't stick out very much. The crests are just a standard fade with feathering, I think with the spears I'll make the fades on the back a bit brighter. The shield's took about 12 different runs to get the colour right. Started with Green, then went to white, then blue, back to green and then finally settled on turquoise and then had maybe 3/4 runs to get the technique down. The Scar Vet. is a good old kit bash, I've got a second one with a GW coming but he's not finished yet. The cold one is painted in the same colours that I use on all my "monsters" for this army. Kit bashing has gotta be the way forward for Scar Vet. personally I can't stand GW's one on Cold ones. The sword is just Burning Blade becuase that's one of my default builds I run on him. Keeping with the same colour palette, I plan to use some completely unique colours on the slan but for Heros they can have the same as everyone else. The salamanders were the first monsters I did for this army and their colour scheme is the one I then carried over to the cold ones. The scheme itself is inspired by a picture of a Razordon I saw on ebay. Seeing as the whole army was Orange/Black I didn't want to do the same for the monsters and I wanted to do something a bit "cooler". I quite like the way the bone/white contrasts and this is just a complete steal as I mentioned before. The bases are just simple slate "borrowed" from my neighbours from garden, they look cool but they are a pain with the models keep falling off. I really need to sort out pinning them down. These are my own versions of charmelon skinks, 2 reasons for doing my own, number 1 dont like GWs and number 2 GWs I feel are a bit expensive. Just really basic and bad green stuff. My personal dislike with them is the fact that I havn't managed to work out how to pick out the eyes. I felt that seeing as they are meant to be a more "rural" version of the skinks I'd give them the same paint job as the jungle monsters. And then the bright green/yellow vines just adds some nice camo and contrast. Simple skink skirmishers, the colours are obviously inverted from the saurus and I like the brightness. They are primed white and then washed with seriously watered down red to add the shadow areas. So there are shadows but the model remains bright. I've removed the hand weapons on all my skinks, I just don't like them and they make ranking up really hard. Same paint job as the skinks apart from the high lighting which is properly layered rather than just dry brushed on. The model has been varnished to stop chipping with it does mean that it sometimes catches the light and gives a bit of glare. The idea behind the cloak was just to keep it simple but give it a "smoke" type look, so the model had a theme simular to fire. with the jet black scales being the coal, the skin the flames and the cloak the smoke coming off. This is 10 of a unit of 30 that goes with the krox. The major issue with them, other than being 30, is trying to paint the scales. Because they are plastic the scales don't stick out much so the black paint has to be quite thick to prevent it from running off into the cracks. I prefer the fade on these shields to the saurus, probably just due to the fact that I've had more practice doing the style by now. But they do become a pain to properly rank up. The weapons are also bronze rather than gold, I don't feel that the saurus would feel the skinks are worth gold weapons. That's all so far, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and read and I'll try update it as and when new things are finished.
Re: Orange Lizards-Update 1 Very well done, This has to be one of the most unique paint schemes for Lizardmen I have seen in a long time.
Re: Orange Lizards-Update 1 Wow, amazing looking krox! Thats pretty much exactly what I want the scales on mine to look like.
Re: Orange Lizards-Update 1 Thanks for all the comments guys, really nice. I havn't actually painted Lizards for a month or so I got distracted by some random Orcs and Goblin's I found from when I was 14. I just need a break from the Lizards for a bit. But the Orcs are almost finished so I'll probably be heading back to the Lizards soonish. I've got a couple of saurus to paint up and seeing as I'm doing it I was gonna take some pics. as I was painting them up and make a semi-guide for them, would people be interested in that?
Re: Orange Lizards-Update 1 It's a great scheme you've come up and it would be great to know more oabout your techniques
Re: Orange Lizards-Update 1 Those look awesome! I really like the skinks a lot. Keep up the good work.
So a quick story time to explain why all of a sudden Orange Lizards have turned into...well Orcs. I've bashed my leg in good rock climbing so I'm off my feet at my parents for a bit and I happened apon some very very old Orcs of mine from back in the day. Back in that day I seemed to think the way to stick models together was dunk them in glue and then add bits, I hadn't heard of flashing and mold lines and it was just awful...so I reconstructed these orcs from what was honestly piles of bits. Was a really fun project actually and I'd encourage anyone whos got "bitz" lying around to see what you can make of them. I've managed to piece together 20 orc boyz and some Night Goblins. The orcs are almost done but I thought I'd add a few pics. seeing as the lizards are going to be on the hold for a bit. I've also added a pic. of the Night Goblins which are going to be my competition entry for this month, they can just about be made up to 200points but if I the time I'll try add in a bolt thrower as well. Hope you enjoy... The Shaman on the far right has to be one of my all time favourite models, was so glad to get some paint on him, hense why he's finished and the rest ain't based yet. I really didn't want to do another red orc army and settled on blue because that's what was lying around. When it's all based up and finished I'll add some proper pics with some close up. Hope this gets your palettes wet though. My entry for the 200 points comp. if you havn't thought about doing it give it a go! 200point's isn't that much and the more the merrier! P.S. As you may all notice the banner is blank at the moment. Any suggestions for a suitable icon?