Hiya from Aussie

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by jay.sar87, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. jay.sar87

    jay.sar87 New Member

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    Real first name:

    Age and gender:
    21 years old, of the male variety.

    Sydney, Australia

    Finance, the current bane of many people globally. (I swear it's not my fault guys!)

    How did you get into wargaming?
    Friends introduced me to D&D Minitures then I found WHFB after looking through a couple of websites.

    How did you get into Lizardmen?
    I started out with High Elves when I first got into WHFB and then moved to Vampire Counts. Both of these bombed because I got too busy with work. Ever since I started with High Elves though I've wanted to collect Lizardmen. The reason? One word: DINOSAURS!

    What would be your second piece of advice (after "read the freakin' rules") to a new Lizardmen player?
    I'm a new Lizardmen player but I read every bit of background information I could find about the Lizardmen including history and tactics so I guess that would be my advice.

    What is your Lizardmen colour scheme?
    Regal blue/hawk turquoise/ice blue.

    How did you find this site/the old site, and how long have you been a member?
    I think I googled "Lizardmen Tactics". I've been a member for a couple of weeks now.

    What are the origins of your username?
    Jay-SAR was my nickname in Uni, nothing special really. It just came out one day. And I was born in 1987.

    Where and how often to you usually play?
    At the moment, just building up my force. I don't have any friends with armies as yet. You can check out my progress on my blogs (check my siggie for links).

    Do you have any other armies, for WHFB, 40K or another system?
    A couple of Vampire Counts, High Elves, Space Marine and Ork models that float around (usually used for playing mock games with myself to look for tactics and combos) and about 2000 points of Tau.

    What is your favourite and least favourite army to play against?
    Don't know yet. I'm looking forward to going up against Vampire Counts but not looking forward to Chaos armies.

    What is your best and worst WHFB moment?
    Best: Starting the hobby.
    Worst: Not having enough hours in the day to dedicate myself as much as I would like.

    What does/do your family/significant other/friends think about your 'funny toys'?
    Family belive it's a good distraction that doesn't take me out on the town. Friends are upset that I won't go out on the town with them.

    What are some of you other interests?
    Reading, writing (TV and stage), movies, computer and video games.

    Do you have any pets?
    No. I live in an apartment and the land lord is Satan himself. But I'm thinking of smuggling in a bird :p

    What is your favourite band?
    Kisschasy. Hands down.
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    An interesting intro thread! Welcome to the site :)
  3. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Welcome to the site :)

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