8th Ed. Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks?

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Scalenex, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests joing Skroxigor block

    The first part of the "what units can i join" section on page 97 says "characters can join certain types of units during the course of a battle" and then lists what units you may join (not including unique). then it just to further specify also says that you cant join monsters, flyers, chariots, swarms or warmachines. unique units are not mentioned, but by the "if its not allowed it is forbidden"-logic, characters can not join unique units.

    The FAQ says that they are a mixed unit, and therefore unique, and by the above logic a character can not join a unique unit.

    Naturally this debate is a bit one sided (since the issue is so marginal). i only do this because i like arguing, and the second any one posts an argument that beats mine i will immediately stop. I have no personal involvement in this issue since i wouldnt dream of ever putting a character in a SKrox unit in the first place. However, your argument that "im the only one who argues this" is not a very good one. in 1904 all but one guy in the world KNEW that time was linear, and then one guy proved them all wrong. no, i am not comparing bickering over warhammer rules to Einsteins achievements, but your argument does not hold water. ;)
  2. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks

    Think I made my point. I have used characters in a SKROX unit in a Games Workshop sanctioned event. (ie Ard’ Boyz’) If it was illegal then I would not have been able to play.

    We are talking about rules to a trivial game that was written by a couple people making an hourly wage. So comparing Warhammer Fantasy Battle Game to the scientific cosmic order, that has laws, and a singular mathematical solution is just being obtuse. Your augment is the one that is lacking the ability to hold water.

    ps- I like to argue too. :)
  3. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests joing Skroxigor block

    He may be unique but he isn't unit type unique (unless his entry says so).
  4. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests joing Skroxigor block

    was really meant to be rhetorical ;)
  5. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks

    The rule book does not say anything about characters and unique units.

    It says that characters can normally join (monstreous) cavalry, infantry and beasts.
    It also lists that joining chariots units, flyers, swarms and monsters is usually forbidden.

    not a word on unique units!

    The rule book also gives some explanations for characters not being allowed to join those units....in general it is too dangerous for them. Although you usually should not take those explanatory comments as rules, but if joining skinks is allowed and joining krox is allowed there should not be a reason that a mixed units is suddenly too dangerous too join.
  6. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks

    Perhaps we should be proactive and petition GW to FAQ this to end the argument. Phone calls and emails to the customer service department!
  7. Deusvult
    Chameleon Skink

    Deusvult Active Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks

    So i asked my local gw and they said that character can be placed in the unit!
  8. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks

    I promise you there are people here who that statement does not make one iota of a difference too. In fact I am certain, they will even argue "If a GW Store employee said it then that helps make my point because those GW guys are all idiots!" :smug:

    However, I am not one of them; it in fact just reinforces my original point “If the majority of players are playing it as a legal build, and it is allowed in GW Battle Bunkers, stores and tournaments then until there is an FAQ that specifically states otherwise it is a legal build."
  9. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks

    Ok i never said they where idiots, i just explained that putting a red shirt on to earn minimum wage dosen't magically make you a rules guru.
  10. TheRolfgar
    Chameleon Skink

    TheRolfgar New Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks

    And here I thought on your first day of training they gave you a super secret 2nd rulebook that cleared up every confusing rule and had every possible game answer in it!

    That is the reason "the guy at the store said" or "the guy on the phone said" does not make a proper argument for or against any GW rules debate. They are just regular people who have access to the same rule books we do.

    As for this one, I wouldn't put a character in there but I probably wouldn't care if my opponent did, however that doesn't make it raw.
  11. Deusvult
    Chameleon Skink

    Deusvult Active Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks

    Sorry i should have clarified that there was a discussion about the ruling between event organisers and gw staff and other gaming people ( in all people who know their shit) and it was eventually decided that they can join. im not saying that this is concrete and that was not what i meant.

    *i may have post above post at work on phone hence the short one sentence*
  12. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    Re: Can Skink Chiefs and Skink Priests join Skroxigor blocks

    Oh it's true i've yet to hear of a tourney that dosen't allow this, but we must keep in mind that the TO is god and can make marshmallows rain down during battle.

    The RAW however is clear, stupid but clear.

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