7th Ed. 2500 pt. Kroq-Gar List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by doulos05, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. doulos05
    Jungle Swarm

    doulos05 New Member

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    Ok, I've been playing with Lizardmen somewhat unsuccessfully of late (although, I cannot complain, as they brought me my first and only victory in the nearly 8 years I have been playing). Here is a list me and my friend came up with. We didn't know if it was viable or not.

    2499 Kroq-Gar list

    573 pts Kroq-Gar

    115 Skink Priest with 2 dispel scrolls

    165 Scar-vet BSB w/ Warbanner, Light Armor, Cold One, Blessed Mark of the Old Ones

    210 5x Saurus Cavalry

    174 3x Kroxigors

    174 3x Kroxigors

    174 3x Kroxigors

    174 3x Kroxigors

    360 6x Jungle Swarms

    70 10x Skink scouts w/ Blowpipes

    70 10x Skink scouts w/ Blowpipes

    60 10x Skinks w/ Javelins

    60 10x Skinks w/ Javelins

    60 10x Skinks w/ Javelins

    60 10x Skinks w/ Javelins

    Tactics: Hit hard, hit often is the idea behind this army. With 6 units capable of doing significant damage on the charge (Kroq-gar, Cav, and Kroxigors), the idea is to break the enemy with combo charges and massive generated CR. I gave the BSB the Mark of the Old Ones because I am horribly unlucky. I don't think this army needs much more explanatio.... oh wait, the jungle swarms. I know swarms pop like undead now, but I have had lots of difficulty keeping my flanks from rolling against my usual opponent. He likes to run lots of fast cav on the flank. Because swarms skirmish, they can cover an insanely wide frontage and charge fast cav attempting to sneak around. Surely a swarm can tarpit a unit or two of fast cav for most of the game.
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    That looks like a fast and hard hitting list, I wouldn't like to play against it!
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Although I understand your logic with the jungle swarms, it still does not seem to be the most effective way of dealing with flankers (especially fast cavalry). For 360 pts, and due to your open Rare slots, I would suggest investing in Salamanders. Not only will a unit of 3 cost less, but their 21" range (6" move 15" missile range) gives them a farther reach than jungle swarms. The salamanders attack (autohits, str 3 with -1 AS) should ensure 1 dead unit of fast cavalry a turn, and after a game or so your opponent should be wary of the salamanders. By keeping them back, you should deny your opponent the flank while not spending 360 pts.

    I really like the MSU style of your list, and this kind of list is what I normally field. However, from my experience I have discovered that units of 4 Kroxigors is necessary to give you the ability to frontal charge medium/weak ranked units. Although the combo charge is always nice, sometimes it will be necessary to go it alone. For this reason, I would suggest 3 units of 4 rather than 4 units of 3.

    If you do this consolidation, you could also fit in a unit of terries. They could do the same role as the salamanders (staying back, taking out flankers). There stats mean that a unit of 4 can tackle almost any unit of fast cav. on the charge, and they should be able to beat any flyers besides peg knights. Terries would also give you the benefit of a warmachine hunter, something which your list is lacking.
  4. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Looks pretty potent to me, however you have one too many special units. I would suggest a unit of saurus warriors in thier place, or some more jungle swarms.
  5. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    @Craken: The inclusion of Kroq-Gar means that Cold One Riders become Core.
  6. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Oh right thanks for correcting me, I don't use special characters.
  7. doulos05
    Jungle Swarm

    doulos05 New Member

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    @SohCahToa: I have actually had horrible luck with Salamanders. I presently run Salamanders on one flank and Stegadon on the other. The Stegadon usually holds, but the Salamanders fold on the first charge. He directs all his attacks against the skinks and runs them down.
  8. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Well yes, i guess my point is largely that your salamanders should be able to kill anything that reaches that flank before they get charged. With a 21" threat potential, your opponents fast cavalry should be non-existent. Now if your oppoenent fields a more hitty flanker, than yes, salamanders are not as effective in this role and should be used more offensively.

    If your opponents run flankers potent enough to warrant a stegadon, I would honestly suggest fielding a stegadon instead of the swarms. Fir that matter, for those 360 points you could get a stegadon, 1 jungle swarm, and a unit of skinks. Using this on your flank, you can redirect the charger by using the jungle swarm (see seperate thread) or skinks, positioning the stegadon so that your opponent would get charged in the flank. By doing this, you could shut down a unit without throwing away more than 60 pts at a time, while still leaving the stegadon to shoot away.

    Generally, wherever a large swarm can be used as a flank guard, 1 small swarm plus a couple sacrificial units can bog down a powerful flanker for just as long.
  9. doulos05
    Jungle Swarm

    doulos05 New Member

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    I've had less problems with the hitting power of his fast cav and more with the numbers. He'll stack up 2 or 3 units of fast cav on each flank. So I kill the first one, and maybe maim the 2nd, but then my flank is gone.

    Now, one thing I've thought about but never tried is putting my salamanders in the center, opposite his big blocks, and seeing if they can do some damage there before they die. Has anybody tried that and did it work?
  10. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    (1) Is your opponent's R&F T 3?

    (2) Does your opponent's R&F have a 5+ armor against ranged attacks?

    Then yes, a solid unit of salamanders should be able to shave off at least a rank or so a turn from units. For added fun, use a lone jungle swarm in order to redirect charges away from your salamanders (dont forget salamanders can shoot over the jungle swarms.)

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