Looking for Old School Saurus Shields!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by tankrothchild, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    So here is the last unit I was able to finish before playing this weekend. I may come back and do another step of highlights, but for this weekend the clock buzzed and I have no more time left.

    Without further ado, my chameleon skinks (taken with my crap iphone yet again):



    Wish me luck against the Ogre Kingdoms!
  2. parrot
    Cold One

    parrot New Member

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    Speechless :jawdrop:
  3. Little Wolf

    Little Wolf New Member

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    You keep calling them chameleon skinks... but these are just normal Skink Skirmishers right? Or did you convert something that I'm missing?
  4. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    No they are regular skinks. I have started an army using older generation models, mostly. Retro. But, since I don't have old school chameleon skinks, and I think the cost of the GW models for new chameleon skinks are insane, I decided to make my chameleon skinks from the new skinks. Since I don't use any of the new skinks anywhere in my army, this helps distinguish them from my older generation skink skirmishers. I picked up 12 on ebay for under 15 bucks. Winner.

    I'd assume they are not GW tournament acceptable, but I'm only playing friendlies and my opponents don't mind.
  5. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Ebay is the way to go on picking up those expensive models. I have 30 chameleons plus Oxytly (or whatever his name is), and I never payed full price for any of them.

    On another note, How did you make your movement trays for your "chameleons?" Those are nice. Could we get a step by step on those?


    They look great btw. I think I am going to look at some paint to try out what you did with the spray paint. Excellent process.
  6. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Those are really looking great! And I'll second what Arli said; I like your movement trays too. They look to be cork glued on metal? I am assuming you have magnetized the models bases? At least that is what it looks like in the picture.

    What you did with the chameleon skink units movement trays is pretty much what I am planning on making. Question though - did you make another one for them to rank up if/when they get charged? I plan on making two sets of skirmisher trays for each unit of them. It's a bit more work, but it makes combat a bit cleaner and more organized for myself.

    Keep up the good work! I'm anxious to see what you do with the bases and movement trays. :D

    - Lord Cedric
  7. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Most of the time, with our local games (all friendly), we do not even bother to rank them up. I use a flat piece of sheet metal that I can just slide them into ranks if needed.
  8. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Hey guys! Well, I was able to get one game in this weekend, in which I pretty much got stomped by ogres. The lack of scenery, some fuzziness of rules, and poor execution did me in, that's ok tho, it won't be long until I get a rematch.

    Movement trays! When I make a unit, as soon as I know the configuration I'm running, I consider the movement trey as part of finishing the unit.

    I have this art board or paint board that I've had since I was in art school. It's sortof like mat board. It's about 1/8" thick. I cut the base to size, and if they are going to be magnetized I cut an identical size of sheet metal and glue them with gorilla glue and clamp them. Go really easy with the gorilla glue, it doesn't take much and it expands a lot. After a night of drying, I'll cut more artboard, 5mm thick for the edges, and for skirmisher trays, I'll cut half inch sections for the separations inbetween. I haven't made two different trays for skirmishers, I don't expect them to really stick around in close combat. If it does get tight then I can just remove them and rank them up.

    To finish the trays, I give them a quick roughing up with sand paper just so the white glue adheres better. Paint on the glue, dip in a sand, I use the rocks tmade for pet birds for digestion, super cheap and easy to find, most grocery stores have it in their pet aisle. It has a nice mix of fine sand and some little larger rocks. Once the sand is dry, paint them up, then dry brush. Once I get my static grass, I'll be adding it to the trays. That's it. Here is the only pic I have of in progress of the trays:


    Oh, also, I always add 3mm to my base measurements to ensure all the models' bases fit with a little room. After you get your glue and sand on the trey, you will be really happy with the 3mm extra you get.

    Attached Files:

  9. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Hi guys! I'm realizing this thread turned into my paint log for my lizardmen army, which is cool with me!

    Last night I found my motivation taking a hit since I'm not sure when my next game will be and I will be busy from here to Easter. I quickly reenforced my love for painting to myself, and with a smile I descended into my dungeon, threw on the radio, and got to work. The burning from my first game loss sharp on my mind, I marched forward further preparing my troops for their next battle, whenever that may be.

    As my army stands, I have big units left which include: Slann, Scar vet cowboy, two stegadons, and a salamander and crew.

    I started to get an idea of how my old slann will fit on the new platform and quickly realized I have some serious modelling to do and I would like to think about how I'm going to execute. So I put him aside for now.

    I decided my stegadons are next. So I have had one old school steg for years, as I've said in early posts. But I also found this new stegadon on ebay for the cost of the model. It's painted. It's not great, it's basically base coated and it only has a skink priest mounted on him. The other skinks are no where to be found. I used this stegadon as my skink chief mounted on an ancient steg and I think I'll keep it that way and model him likewise. For now.

    So, here is the old steg, which I'm going to set aside for the time being:


    Here are two pictures of the Steg I bought on ebay:



    The painting is pretty clean, he didn't put colors where they're not supposed to be, but it lacks the umph a big model like this should have on the table.

    In this picture, and this is all I was able to do last night, is the first highlight of the body of the steg. I thought his color was a bit too dark for what I wanted to achieve, but I thought his color will be great for the deeper recesses. I am going to continue with various steps of highlights, but I will have to go back and blend this together a little better, but I wanted to get some paint on and understand how I will be going about changing the color of the skin:


    It's obviously far from done, but I think this is a nice start. At first I thought I was going to change the blue scales, but as the skin lightens up, I'm thinking the blue actually looks pretty good with it, I may keep it.


    Here is the skin of the Stegadon after another round of highlights. I figured I'd just edit this post and add them:


  10. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    This week I will be able to get some more work done on my ebay stegadon repaint. I'm pretty much finished with the steg's skin and bone parts. I've been playing around with his scales and came up with this:



    How does he look so far?
  11. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    I wasn't able to paint much over the holiday weekend, I did get some work on the gold parts of my ebay stegadon, I put him aside until my group of skink crew comes from ebay.

    I did start on my scar-vet cowboy, I decided to try a little something different with his mount and went for an albino cold one (or an old cold one, color worn down from countless battles). The pictures may not do it justice, I think once there is more color around him, such as his base and his rider, I think it will really stand out. I think I'm going to paint the rider red, haven't made that decision yet but soon will:

    Here is a shot of the mount before saddle and gold chain was finished:


    Here is the other side with the saddle and gold painted:

    And here is the rider and his weapon, saddle, wood, and gold finished:


    Edit: ugh the photos really wash out the gray shadows... oh well, I'll finish him up and see if I like the white skin or not...I just don't want it to look like he is unfinished on the table.
  12. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Almost finished my Scar Veteran, just need to finish the base. He's just a normal cold one cav model except for the great weapon I modeled:



    This close up is a bit blurry, but it is a nice shot of my repainted ebay stegadon, minus crew :)

  13. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    I was able to get some work done on my old school stegadon, gave him a fresh new color and a wash, still need to highlight and base, skink crew has been based and washed too, I'm thinking the steg will look like the scar vet color-wise when finished. What do you guys think? I haven't heard any criticism in a few posts, maybe my painting has gone downhill since I started this project :jawdrop:

  14. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Haha, your painting is still awesome.

    I think your Cold One looks a little too white. Maybe you should give him a heavy wash with a brown or grey color to make him look more natural. Right now he kind of looks unfinished to me.

    Coincidentally, I have the same paint job on my old school steggy, lol. I had to do a double take.

    Also, I love the Salamander/Razordon/spiky Cold One conversion going on in the background! What are your plans for that?
  15. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Thanks dude, I'm taking your advice on the cold one and going to paint right now!
  16. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Here is the old school stegadon almost finished, need to base him yet:


    and a somewhat blurry shot of the scar vet:


    On the right is a converted cold one into a salamander, hehe, I pretty much did this guy in super quick, one night just to get him done. I like him, nothing special.

    I'm pretty happy with the scar vet now, I may go back and edge some of the scales, gonna sleep on it. I think the old school steg and crew have a real primitive look about them, compared to the new models, i dig it.

    I like this pic:
  17. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Looks much better with the wash. (great white buffalo...err...cold one)

    Good call on the double-base for the Steg. I have been running my old steggy without a base for a long time because he didn't come with one originally. I have a few cavalry bases that will probably fit together nicely.

    With your Sally conversion, are you going to put webbing or something between the back spikes to give a fin?
  18. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Double base for the win! Yeah I didn't have a chariot base laying around but had some 50x50, so it made sense. I wasn't really going to do anything more with that "salamander" model, I think I will be leaving him as is for now, I'm going to keep my eyes open for some new sally models and only use this one until then or as backup in bigger battles where I can field more. Webbing would definitely be a good idea, but my indecisiveness with the model as a whole has me not motivated to do more at this time.

    On a side note, I have a few wood elves on ebay ending pretty soon if you all want to check them out:

    Glade guard http://www.ebay.com/itm/27095623237...X:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_1389wt_1138


    Dryads, http://www.ebay.com/itm/27095623582...X:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649#ht_1986wt_1138

  19. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    nice! I like the autumn theme of the glade guard. My friend's WE army is so very, very green. He's actually gone and bought bretonians now so that he can paint a different colour.
  20. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    Hi Guys, it has been a little while since I posted some scaly ones. Mainly because my army was nearly done. But my ogre friend has been pushing still for bigger games, so we are bumping up to 3k. I am going to try out a skrox unit of 26 skinks and 2 krox, but I'm not painting them until I decide if I like them, but I'll probably paint them anyway, so look for that in the near feature, some old school krox ;) So some pictures:

    In my pursuit of 3k I decided to whip together a old blood on foot I created, sort of:



    I have a really nice skink priest with the feather cloak I got painted dirt cheap from ebay, very nicely painted, but I don't have a picture I realized, he is also going on my 3k list for a cube catty.

    After weeks of waiting, I finally received my skink crew for the steg I repainted from ebay, I have a little more work to do on them, some highlights and such:




    And a shot of my battleline in our last game, rolled up battle for the pass:


    My friend isn't a painter, so I have some Ogres on my desk, this one is finished:


    And a demo model/repaint of a peg knight for my upcoming bretonnian army :) The shield will have a black lion on it when my printable decal paper arrives. The wings and metal parts are not finished, or started really:



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