Since I have a thing about just running Kroq-Gor, I decided to scratch build up a custom rider (sadly for my arms, this was before the standard scar-vets went to resin). These photos are a bit old (and the arms were only taped to get these shots, obviously), but I've still got some gap filling and an on-foot version to get done. What do you guys think?
Very nice. I love the Carnosaur color scheme. Cool weapon conversion too. I have a gripe with the shield though. It kind of looks like he is tucking it under his chest or something, like he has a tummy ache. It might just be the way the tape is holding it on. Anyway, I suggest you angle the shield arm out a little bit.
I see what you mean about the shield. I think that it is mostly from using a shield arm from the TG kit; the pose certainly works for a line of troops, but not necessarily for a dino-rider. I might just build another arm altogether and compare them.