OK, yesterday afternoon the awards were announced for the Fantasy tournament on Saturday, including Best Appearance. There were a ton a amazing armies there ( about 120+ players)! Made me feel reeeaaallllyyyy sorry for the judges, having done that sort of thing in the past. But, the final judgment was in favor of Mage Priest Babo, who (of course) had forseen it all! Here is the blog post... http://wappellious.blogspot.com/2012/04/adepticon-tournaments-day-25-verdict-is.html I will be doing a post tomorrow with images from the games, and some thoughts about Fantasy tournaments vs 40k tournaments, both of which I did this weekend.
Re: Adepticon 2012: The results of the WFB tourney in at las Congrats on another gloious win for the old ones.
Re: Adepticon 2012: The results of the WFB tourney in at las Thanks! At least the painting side of it was glorious! You know you could be in for a rough weekend on the playing end of things when (in your fist 3 turns of your first game) you Miscast 3 times on 3 dice with Throne of vines working, and roll three 1's. Yup, no more Temple Guard, no more power dice, no more army Probably will get pics up tomorrow that I snapped during the games!
Re: Adepticon 2012: The results of the WFB tourney in at las And BTW, the saurus cav went stupid on the first turn of every single game, including 3 of 5 turns in the last game (pics included as evidence)! Yea!
Re: Adepticon 2012: The results of the WFB tourney in at las Big kudos on your Best Appearance, definately well deserved, yours are the best lizzies I've seen yet. That pic of Babo on the temple cracks me up too Oh and I just noticed the 40k best appearance too.. double grats! Masterful brushwork mate!