8th Ed. Tactical Advice against Bretts

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Natural 20, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Natural 20

    Natural 20 Member

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    Hi im Joe and im new to Lustria online but not Warhammer ive been playing for quit a few years now. Me and my friends started playing during the twilight years of 7th and now weve been playing 8th since its release. A friend of mine who i play with frequently has bought into Bretts recently, and man let me tell you ive had nothing but trouble against them.

    Hes trounced me with them twice, granted his luck with the dice is ridiculous! :oops:

    Basically id love some general advice for playing against these armored menaces! They're fast and can hit hard! :jawdrop:

    Any advice is much appreciated! :smug:
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Many people say that the Brett army is one of the worse armies in 8th edition. I call Bull$#it on that. I have a friend that can be deadly with that army. Here is what I generally try to do in order to not get massacred by him:

    1. Chameleons: Take Chameleons (or Terradons) to hunt his trebuchet. Take those out as soon as you can. Use iceshard blizzard or Pha's protection if you cannot get to them. Even use the EOTG 5+ ward to protect your troops.

    2. Lore of Light is the way to go. That way, you can use Birona's time warp early in the game to double the movement of your troops (higher casting value). Then on the second turn, charge everyone in. This is key to taking his advantage away. The strength int he Brett army is in the charge, if he cannot get the charge, he loses his biggest advantage.

    3. Take more rank and file. Lore of life works with this as well. Once you do get charged, if you can last past the first round of combat, he loses the strength bonus that he gets from charging with lances. He should start taking heavy casualties at that point.

    4. If you take a slann in a TG unit, make sure to put a scar-vet in there as a backup to the champion. He can take a virtue that makes you have to accept the challenge when he issues it. This can be bad because he can also gain the killing blow ability on the character. You do not want to lose the slann to that challenge.

    I think that is about it. Hope this helped.
  3. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    In addition of Arli's advice: Salamanders. Nothing opens up heavily armoured units better than a firery blast with a -3 to armour saves. The knights will most likely save on a 2+ due to their armour and shield on barded mounts. And there will be lots of them. Having your salamanders ( I use two units of 2) flame broil the knights before they can get into combat can really make their units less threatening.

    - Lord Cedric
  4. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Additionally, if they happen to charge your salamanders, flee! Never take a charge on the salamanders unless there is no other options. If, the salamander would flee off the board, hold for the charge, otherwise flee. You can always rally them and shoot later in the game.
  5. Daneish
    Cold One

    Daneish New Member

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    One of the worst things they can do is easily bump a front rank with just characters making it impossible to strike at the juicy guys behind them. Flank charges are king here try to work skrok units or stegs in for flank chares to open them up.
  6. Clockwork
    Cold One

    Clockwork Member

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    Skrox units. Nothing but Skrox units.

    And plenty of skirmishing redirectors to pull the buses out of position.
  7. Natural 20

    Natural 20 Member

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    Thank you everyone i really appreciate the advice! Ya i agree though Bretts arent bad at all in this edition they're a tough nut to crack.

    Im more of a defensive guy than offensive, im more prone to taking Life over Light unless im fighting VCs or TKs but i think ill deffinetly try Light against my Brett friend next time we play. The first game we had i made the assumption that Lore of Metal was the way to go in some cases yes but i found it to be lacking a bit. Not that it isnt a great Lore but since Bretts can use Life he pretty much just brought everything back that i killed it was a pain to say the least.
  8. Daneish
    Cold One

    Daneish New Member

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    EOTG could be really nice too. Not only do you have an ancient steg wading in at strength 6 but also the burning alignment allowing no amour saves will really put the hurt on them.
  9. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    I can't belive that non of you mentioned that when a Brett players plays as the second one he has a free ward save? So If you will the roll off, give him first turn!:)
  10. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    It doesn't quite work that way. If the bret player chooses to pray, his opponent (in this case the lizardmen player/Natural 20) is allowed to choose whether to go first or not. It will not influence the ward save. There is simply no roll-off needed.

    Other tips/tricks/advice:
    -Saurus for anvils. Easy as that, they can grind away vs non-character knights very well. Holding the charge is something they are also pretty good at, especially when buffed with Life/Light magic. Personally, I prefer Light, but vs brets I personally believe the difference between the 2 lores is smaller than normal. Choose as you wish.
    -Skrox/Stegs for flanking. Skrox are fast, hit hard and have ranks. Unfortunately they die in droves! Even the horses are a real threat to the skinks, so avoid the charge (redirect/hold with saurus) and counter with these guys. Keep the BSB near your stegadon to hold that combat for a loooong time. Aim the Steg's/Krox's attacks at the characters.
    -Avoid the charge. By fleeing and countering, holding the unit up or by redirecting. Use every weapon in your arsenal to avoid being charged. After the charge the bret lances are just a mass of steel. Which you can grind through.
    -Trebuchets make prima targets for chameleons. Simple WM take-out strategy.
    -Mind the dual-charge! 2 lances can easily fit vs 1 Saurus/Skrox unit, taking a heavy toll on the unit and it is quite possible they will then break.
    -His lord can have a heroic killing blow-kit, so mind your stegadon(s) if he puts them directly opposite of eachother.

    Brettonians are still solid, especially since they punish mistakes harshly with their large, powerfull charges. Then again, if you manage to deal with/handle/master the charges, they are quite manageble. Still dangerous though!

    You have inspired me to write tactica('s) again! :D

    The Hunted
  11. Natural 20

    Natural 20 Member

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    Well thank you The Hunted your tactics where helpful aswell!

    Im glad i could inspire you lol! I like to try different tactics all the time and im quite par shall to weird tactics lol im writing one particular strategy down rite now taking alot form all of your advice here maybe after the game ill post my first battle report on these forums and you can all see how it went ha ha!

    Once again thank you for all the replys!
  12. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    I got stomped by bretts today, although poor rolls had a lot to do with it. What I learned:
    -I took a light Slann and didn't get speed of light or bironas timewarp - no loremaster hurts! It was on a small table so I wouldn't have time to swap out what I wanted with high magic. Didn't take metal because it was a friendly game and a quick glance was all I needed to know it would tear him apart a bit too easily
    -Redirecting the charges using skrox units pretty much won the early game for me
    -Dont rely on Krox to accomplish anything at all except the ld boost and looking scary
    -Stegadons are devastating against Knights but don't count on breaking out wrong them out, those Armor saves are insane. My steg killed 4 errant then fled and got run down after taking a single wound.
    -Saurus vs bretonnian infantry = win.
    -Scar vet on Carnosaur is brutal, but Bloodroar is a waste of points against Knights. I should have decimated his lord (he didn't take killing blow) but I rolled a lot of ones and he rolled a lot of sixes. Plus I redirected his charge the turn before with skrox, but then my carno rolled snake eyes for its own charge which hurt a lot.
    -Brettonians will pretty much never decline a challenge
    -Phas protection helped a lot. His archers and trebuchet accomplished next to nothing all game.

    Oh and his lack of decent casting made reservoir of eldritch energy well worth taking. I'll try lore of life next game
  13. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    I'd say try high on him. Blow up his magic items, dispel his buffs, and drop S4 death on any blocks he brings. Swap for the signatures you need like life, metal, death, light, shadow. Pull your stegs/sallies to optimal charges with walk between worlds. It's got a lot of answers. Walk between worlds also gets you closer trebs with chameleons, terradons, or other units.

    Swap what you won't need twice, and it will treat you well.
  14. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    One more question - how do I take out a Lord with a rerollable 1+ and heroic killing blow? He took out my Carnosaur last game without hkb (though he must have prayed to the dice gods), I don't know how I'll kill him when he actually has it.
  15. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Arcane Unforging should soften him up by taking a wound off and destroying one of his items.
  16. Reddogfish

    Reddogfish New Member

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    cant you just destroy his unit with lore of metal?
  17. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    We are actually playing a campaign, and I already told him I wouldnt use the lore of metal before we started (I feel into the whole "bretonnians are hopelessly underpowered/get violated by lore of metal" hype before actually playing). Doesn't mean I can't take the signature spell or trade for high magic spells though I guess.

    I was planning to beat him in a challenge, but just assumed no human Lord could hold his own.
  18. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    Take Wandering Deliberations. Having all eight signature spells should serve you very nicely..
  19. Reddogfish

    Reddogfish New Member

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    Well an oldblood could chew him up and spit him out... I would try steg helm with ward save and maybe fencers blades to make it very hard for him to hit you.

    Or how about glittering scales and fencers blades... you would only be looking at 4A from him with maybe 1 or at most two hitting.

    With a ward save on him he would be pretty tough.
  20. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    No, no it wouldn't, trust me I play Brets regularly Brettonnian characters are almost as scary as Saurus, and then get Virtues, and ward saves, and Vows, and are some of the most killy things out there, They regularly beat Vampire Lords and often beat Daemon Princes (Heroic Killing Blow)

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