I think it has too much silver there. Break it up with a wash maybe. Or weather it a little. I also think the saurus themselves could benefit from a wash.
Thanks. The Saurus themselves are not finished yet. There is some work still to be done to them still. I usually wash my metal colors with some Badab Black (or whatever its called now) but I didnt want this to look dirty (which is why I usually wash it with the black) My plan for my Lizardmen army was everything would be clean and pristine and shiny and bright. To contrast my grungy Tomb Kings and murderous Ogres.... You dont think the wash would take away that effect?
I don't use GW paints but all paints are similar... my lizards are also not dirty looking. I'll post up some pics later but they look pretty clean, and I use a lot of washes. The trick is to paint over it again for highlights or even a second coat of mid-tone after you apply the wash. I apply gloss finish afterwards to achieve that shiny, wet look that reptiles have. It's a bit more time consuming but the result is worth it.
I love the banner . the only thing i could think of is on the standard the round part that stands out like a button might be good in a contrasting color. just my .02 Sarzar
That does look much better. What did you do to it exactly? The original picture could have been an issue with the lighting. Anyway, whatever you did, it worked!
washed the silver with badab black, washed the gold with devlan mud. then dry brushed them both. Added color to the "straps" holding the feathers and started work om the "gem" eyes I agree something needs done with the "button".... gold? blue gem?
A bit late but here's the picture I promised. My images may only be up to 1 pix wide... just follow the link above. How does this image thing work?
Looking good. I was going to say one way to give the banner more life would be to alternative the colours on the snake, so instead of painting it all silver paint one segment silver, then blue/silver/blue/silver. Exchange blue for whatever colour you want.
My wife suggested that as well... doing silver then gold... If I get the nerve I might try to do the smaller segments on the top and bottom as different colored gems or something... that could be neat... hmmmm..... hhhhmmmm....... nice Saurus headbutt!