Hi all, Just wanted to share my as of yet uncompleted units. I am having a lot of fun paininting them hope you enjoy. (hope I am uploading the pic the right way..... well we shall see LOL) Sarzar *edit* Ok that link didnt work .. So i am trying a new one
Photobucket here. Make sure that once you get them up on whichever hosting site, use the: Code: [pic]your URL here[/pic] tags to post your pictures in the thread. The pic button will be beside the linkeh button. It is used to prevent spambots from posting pictures.
Were these the pictures you were looking for? Photobucket has a nice feature, when you take your cursor over a picture in your album, it gives a small pop up window, where you have different options. Click Direct Link and it's copied. Then come to your post, click "pic" button under your Subject window and the options for Bold, Italic and Underlined. It creates a text like this: "[pic][/pic]" and the cursor is already between the two commands, so you can just ctrl+V (or cmd+V for us Mac users) to paste it and voilá. Your sauri are forming nicely, by the way. And Stegadon looks good too. Keep it up! EDIT: Funny, now I see the first picture, but not the others. When I first checked, none of the pictures were showing.