I'm starting a new army

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by HeWhoLaugths, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. HeWhoLaugths
    Jungle Swarm

    HeWhoLaugths New Member

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    (I don't know where this topic is supposed to go so I'd apreciate it if someone could move it to it's proper place)

    I've decided to start a fantasy army and I've made my mind up about wich armys I like the look of. Unfortunatly I can't make my mind up, should I collect the dwarves or should I collect the lizardmen?
    As this is a lizardmen forum I want everyone to explain why they think I should chose so and so... I don't want any "I play lizardmen so chose them!" replies.
  2. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    I think Lizardmen are more flexible and you can go for different builds (fast attack, slow and tough, etc). All the dwarves i've played just run gun lines and canons, ALL THE TIME! Now, I like to play dwarves 'cause in my mind I'm playing a game of 'lets see how many I can get accross' and hopefully getting better at it over time. I feel like I would get bored of playing dwarves.
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I think Lizardmen are much more versatile than dwarves. Granted, the dwarves will probably get a new book before the Lizardmen and that may change. I like all the options that I have with my lizardmen. I like being able to dominate the magic phase (even against dwarves) with a slann. I also like that our troops have a pretty diverse spread of stats. I love my chameleons and skinks too. I learned how to play Warhammer with Lizardmen and would recommend them to anyone who was starting out.

    Eventually, I plan on getting a dwarven army as well. They are some tough little buggers. It probably really comes down to your play style. If you want an army that offers some pretty good offensive capabilities, then the Lizardmen are the one for you. If playing more anti-magic, stubborn, slow moving (and tough) army suits you, go with dwarves.
  4. HeWhoLaugths
    Jungle Swarm

    HeWhoLaugths New Member

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    Some good rationilisation. To be honest, I like the lizardmen modals more but I don't want to buy an army that I don't like (again) so I thougth I'd ask your opinion(s) first. I'd like to ask the opinion of a person who likes dwarfs more than lizardmen to see it from a different angle.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Go to the Bugman's Brewery forum and try to get a response from the Bearded One. He has a lot of LM and Dwarves but tends to favor dowarves (that's why we don't see him much at Lustria).
  6. BruceF
    Jungle Swarm

    BruceF New Member

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    Hm, nice idea!)))I wonder why it didn't come up to my mind)))) Cheers!
  7. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    I play both. Dwarfs are a power army, they have imo the strongest shooting phase in any army, and are competent in dispelling and close combat as well. That being said maneuvering with them is almost non-exsistant and the general tactic is wait for the opponent to come to you. It`s hard to play a dwarf army that isn't overpowering. I play more fun lists as I play with friends. But as was stated also they should have a new book soon as well.

    Lizardmen then to be a balanced list, all except the Slann who dominates the magic phase against almost every army. I find with lizards you have to us tactics, though you can do straight forward block units as well. The skinks are far less useful imo then in the previous edition. I have found with lizardmen, the games where closer and more enjoyable on my end.

    Hope that helps.
  8. eugeniusgenx

    eugeniusgenx New Member

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    I have been cycling as new player to WHFB. I have grown to love the Lizardmen. The models rock the playstyle can adapt and it is an all around fun time. I don't even mind losing sometimes playing this army. I am currently building an Orcs+Goblins force but for now the LM remain my main force. The High Elves might find themselves on eBay. Too squishy.

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