8th Ed. Slann Mage

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Scar Veteran Orik, May 6, 2012.

  1. Scar Veteran Orik
    Jungle Swarm

    Scar Veteran Orik New Member

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    I run a Slann Mage with 4 disciplines of the ancients which are higher state of consciousness, unfathomable presence, focus of mystery, and the focused rumination. He is BSB and his magic items are the shield of the old ones and the cupped hands of the old ones. He is 500 points and i take him in a 20 strong temple guard. I want your opinions on if this is a good idea of not
    Oh and i know i should of put this in army lists my mistake but how do i move it???
    Please tell me I'm new
  2. Durandal
    Cold One

    Durandal Member

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    Higher State and the Shield are a bit much if he's in a TG unit.
  3. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    Shiled is his build in ability, he can't throw it away:)
    Drop Terror, It is useless in 8th edition
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Yeah in 8th edition you have to be in base to base contact to terrorize the enemy. If you want the Temple Guard unit to cause Terror you should give the Temple Guard champion the Terrifying Mask of EEEEE! That does let your unit cause Terror for a mere 25 points.
  5. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    Yes, as mentioned above, most of us seem to agree that the only two disciplines worth having on a TG bunkered Slann are Focused Rumination and Becalming Cogitation.

    As Scalenex pointed out the mask of EEE! on a TG unit champion is a much cheaper alternative for giving the unit terror, though terror isn't as amazing as it used to be.

    Cupped hands is a fantastic arcane item. Most people live by it though I have had amazing success with going Lore of Life and Plaque of Tepok. Lore of Life has built in miscast protection and for just 15 points you can give your Slann a 5th spell. I have never had a game with him where I didn't get every spell I wanted and in turn every spell was used at least once.

    Depending upon how you use the bunker unit of TG you can either stick with the 20 or shave a few off. If you rush those TG into CC then keep them 20 strong. You'll want to keep rank bonus for as long as you can. However, if you tend to keep your TG and Slann back and only charge them into combat when absolutely necessary you can shave down the TG unit to 16. Since the slann displaces 4 models you only need 16 TG to fully surround the Slann and have three additional ranks. This still makes for a fighting fit flank charger that if you have lore of life you can Regrow the casualties that might occur from shooting, magic, or return attacks from if you flank charge.
  6. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    Cogitation Is not that great when you play a TG Slann, Because The enemy mage can be within 24" of the TG but out of Cogiation Range. Focus Mystery is Berrer in my opinion, TG will probably be combined with Life, and There are 6 usefull spells there, so Its nice to have Loremaster:)
  7. Scar Veteran Orik
    Jungle Swarm

    Scar Veteran Orik New Member

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    He doesn't cause terror that discipline is Harrowing Scrutiny what he has is he has a 2 up ward at range from the divine plaque of protection and has magic resistance 3 well only being able to be hurt by magical attacks so he is really hard to kill.
    The cognation is good for wizards in units like for bretonnians or screaming bells but it is al worth it
    Thanks for the comments
    Oops and for the shield of the old ones I meant the magical item upgrade, The Divine Plaque of Protection Sorry
    I might drop the temple guard
  8. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    I've played tons of games and taken becalming cogitation nearly every time. If your Slann is in a TG bunker that is when it is the best time to march forward, since you are given a certain level of protection. In addition, even an empowered dweller's below only has a range of 24" and is much easier to cast while within 12".

    Getting within 24" of an enemy wizard isn't as hard as Ejpok seems to believe. With the field only being 48" across and the average spell range being 24" you can easily set yourself up across from an enemy wizard and once you have say goodbye to irresistable force from that wizard. The ability to cancel out every 6 they roll on power dice is an awesome advantage, especially when they have a 20+ casting value spell, you've all but torched their chances for getting it off. I mean, honestly, how many times have we all faced "well, I only have 3 power dice left, might as well try for it" and BAM, irresistable force.

    I will clarifiy, different strokes for different folks. Ejpok's opinion isn't wrong because it is his opinion. His experiences are different from mine and perhaps the people he plays against keep their wizards WAY back. I, however, see many more players moving their wizards forward to be ready to throw spells at multiple units based on need.
  9. Scar Veteran Orik
    Jungle Swarm

    Scar Veteran Orik New Member

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    Thanks for the replies and i have another post with the full extent for my army in the army lists category if you could be awesome and comment on that one too :D You guys rock.

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