Now I know this isn't really the correct forum but I Was wondering how to paint tomb kings skeletons?
something like.... start with white primer, give it a wash of dark brown or black, dry brush, bone white, and maybe a thin wash of medium brown or sepia. that's about it.
Would devlin mud be better for a dark or light brown? What would be the opposite?( if sepia doesn't really work?
Also, since I won't have extra models to sample on, I'm guessing thin light wash on raised areas, dark wash on joints etc., and also, for bronze should I do dwarf bronze and a wash or Is it good on it's own, or should it not be dwarf bronze?
There's a few ways you can do bone with washes and drybrushes that looks quite good, depending on what you want. In addition to what N810 said, on my Temple Guard I just do a Devlan Mud wash over a Deneb Stone basecoat and I think it looks good, though kind of dark and maybe not what you're wanting. Tomb King skeletons as GW paints them tend to be more pale and yellowy to show they've been raised from the desert rather than dirty like the Vampire Counts which are raised from a fresh muddy graveyard, so if you want to follow that style something as simple as a Sepia wash (which is quite yellow) over a white sprayed undercoat might look good (I'd recommend spraying as it results in a smoother wash when painted). Though the crevices won't be overly dark. You could water down a Devlan Mud and go over it (watered down even further than it comes out of the pot so it doesn't destroy the yellow-ish look the Sepia gives, but slightly darkens the crevices). For Steg horns, since they are large and the model is a centerpiece, I prefer to take more time and go over them in more detail. We had a thread about this a while ago.... lemme find it... here we go... all the suggestions you will ever need. (oh, and i have a tutorial of my own under "tombkings" in my signature)
I'm gonn probably go skull white spray, followed by sepia all over, then watered mud in crevices, with a skull white dry brush on the highlights, also was it gryphone Sepia? Aren't there 2 sepia washes?
I was thinking Gryphonne Sepia, which is from the old GW range. GW have a new paint called Seraphim Sepia, I don't know whether or not it gives the same results, haven't had a chance to try it.
Yeah, I could have sworn there was another sepia, and I won't need it I don't think, I have sepia already, although doesn't gryphonne give a reddish tinge?
Nah, that's Ogryn Flesh that's reddish. Gryphonne Sepia is this one...
Yeah but then you get all the questions like "what is a good sepia wash to use?" and "which wash is a dark brown and which one is a medium brown?" I'm not even sure how close "gryphonne sepia" is to "sepia" as a colour... I didn't even know "sepia" was a colour until I saw gryphonne sepia and wondered what on earth does the word sepia mean.
Do this.... >>> <<< also >>> <<<