The book says "Once the bearer has inflicted a wound, he will become immediately subject to Frenzy...", so at this time, I would say that no, only the Skink who is actually equipped with the pendant would be subject to Frenzy.
pg 79 in BRB in regards to frenzy "...if the rider or mount is subject to any of these rules, the whole combined model is... ...are affected by those rules."
So yes, the stegadon would get frenzy, which would be rather impressive to see. I wonder though, would the rest of the skink crew get frenzy too? I guess yes since it says the whole combined model.. That would be rather cool.
yeha , iv'e considered it to. the skinks also get frenzy. but i don't think it would really work, the steg only gets 4/5 attacks and the skinks , well they aren't impressive any way in combat.
Such is the nature of warhammer, I could sadly very easily see my skinks outkilling the steg as well.. The amount of times I have charged a unit of heavy cavalry into a unit expecting to smash them and had the stupid horses do more than the riders, and enough to just save my unit from fleeing..... Its crazy!
Its strang i read this and think Stegadon yeah thats ok Stegadon with one member of crew with pendant even better steg also gains frenzy. Now here is the ultimate part A stegadon with frenzy and 2d6+1 impact hits....Yeah i like it
Would be good, but cannot be done.. The stegadon warspear is all a hero level skink on the steg could afford, he wouldn't have the points left for the carnosaur pendant.
Ew, frenzy. I'm sorry, but I find frenzy to be icky. Basically throwing your opponent the keys and saying "Park him somewhere safe." Although, the thought of all the skink crew with frenzy is an amusing prospect.