8th Ed. salamander becoming obsolete?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by dissappointed1, May 13, 2012.

  1. Cheeto

    Cheeto New Member

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    I hope there going resin models, and maybe even re-sculpt some. I'm going to call customer support again and see if any are in stock before I place an order, heck maybe i'll just get razadones and double them as sallies sure better than using cold ones.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    As to the original concern, I usually don't order models from the website. I let my local store acquire them for me. Vendors have an easier time getting the goods in my experience.

    Is it possible that there was confusion with the order? Space Marines have Salamanders too you know. I am not sure if they made separate models back in the day or something, but if they did they are certainly OOP nowadays. If you ordered online this would be unlikely, but over the phone...well...there is a game called "telephone" for a reason. Just a thought.

    And as a sort of on-topic follow up to this thought, there is a new Space Marine Salamander model that is being released in FineCast in a few days. Forgefather Vulkan He'stan. Maybe they are thinking you are trying to get your hands on him, and are giving vendors the first crack at it? It's pretty easy to inadvertently write up a code for your company that puts a stop order on all items including the word "salamander."

    Just spitballin' here. Good luck with it all! Check ebay if all else fails.
  3. Cheeto

    Cheeto New Member

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    No the order said Salamander Hunting party, and I ordered it online. It's becoming frustrating, and I really do wish they maintained enough models to ensure a health stock.
  4. dissappointed1

    dissappointed1 New Member

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    There is/was no confusion. I dont know how many times i have to say it. Im not the only one. Read the posts. The cancellation email specificallystatedthat the salamander hunty party is obsolete. Take that however you may. All i want to know now before im quitting this stupid forum is has any one ever gotten an email from GW stating an item they ordered is obsolete and if so what was the item
  5. Clockwork
    Cold One

    Clockwork Member

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    We're not the only ones. Someone over on Druchii.net is reporting that Executioners are listed as 'Obsolete' too.
  6. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Guess it is legit. Damnit that makes 2 times I have ever been wrong!
    Guess I will be eating my Slann, wish he was resin the metal Slann is going to ruin my teeth. :(
  7. dissappointed1

    dissappointed1 New Member

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    I just got off the phone with GW and confirmed that their definition of obsolete is "out of print". I asked him to ellaborate, as in when will it be back in print. He said hs not allowed to tell me that. I hope for LM sake this means new models.
    Thanks to those who gave constructive posts. And some constructive criticism to those who called me a "troll". In future please read the posts before commenting. I expected more from those more senior members. I find now its not the number of posts you have that make you credible, but what you say.
  8. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Hey, dude relax, have a pint, you can send me the tab I am buying.

    I admit I might have made a mistake. This is the internets; you may have heard that not everything you read on it is 100% true. Therefore, you can understand any skepticism when someone who has never posted here before pops up and starts making random statements with no evidence to support it, other than they said so. If I believed everything I read online some guy in Nigeria would have all my money, I would have won the Spanish Lottery 100 times, and the world would have ended 6 months ago. :)

    Welcome to the boards.
  9. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    WAIT!!! It could be from the same guy! :jawdrop: The timing is too coincidental... jk, jk :smug:
  10. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Thank you for your update on the situation. I know when I am structuring an army and get it figured the way I want it that it is a big dissapointment when a part of that army isn't available - even just for a short time - as all the units that I select are part of a greater whole and needed to fill it. So I can guess as to what you have been going through with GW - and it doesn't help that they are at their usual "shhhhhh - no tell" policy of what is going on. Really makes it difficult to do business with or even structuring your army around.

    Since the Executioners are metal as well, I can only assume then that they are going to plastic or finecast. I would highly suspect that the Razardon will be going through the same as well. I am hoping that the Terradons and Slaan will too - and soon. Though, I must admit that I like the most recent metal sculpt of our Old Blood much more than the FineCast model.

    With so many rumors spreading about different armies and from different sources, many times conflicting and uncomfirmed, it is at times hard-pressed to know what to beleive and not. Few sources are credible and have taken years to accomplish this and even then have been known to be wrong now and then. Having a strong community with a great love or appreciation (err.. even fanatical - hehe) on a particular army can bring this excitment to a whole new level as well though often times many come out dissapointed or a simple feeling of "meh". Many of the older members (read length of time/# of posts) of the community have been through this many times and have since shielded rumored sources until more facts (if possible) can be brought to light or simply confirmations - whether they have 10 posts or 1000. It is usually having nothing to do with the poster being truthful (but who amongst us aren't skeptical about something?), but more on the subject matter and how the information was obtained.

    Irregardless, a rumor is simply that, a rumor. And with rumors come speculations, doubting, wishlisting, and excitement. While the way your information received was vague by GW (which we have recently come to expect from them - sigh...) and not necessarily a rumour but a probbable piece of the puzzle, I can see where it could (and did) end up being placed on the cautious side on this thread. GW has also been known to make shipping and inventory mistakes and depending on when/where you call does not have the most knowledgable customer service. I am not saying yours was, but simply adding structure to my claim - of which I beleive is why you posted the thread in the first place. Thank you for your information and posting for others to elaborate and comment. I am sure GW will let us know when they want us to in regards to our Salamander.

    In the mean time, Ebay has had some really great deals on the Salamander Hunting Party - new and used/assembled - if you are interested in that direction. I am sure that you could even attain some through BarterTown. I wish you luck with your building of Lizardmen and great n' fun games ahead of you.

    - Lord Cedric
  11. Durandal
    Cold One

    Durandal Member

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    "Bleh" on resin sallies and razors. I don't feel like paying 40 bucks for a beefy cold one and 3 skinks.
    Nor can I see them making a combined plastic. That sucks.
    Granted, I've four sallies already, but I guess that means no razors if they ever get moved from "not salamanders" status.
    Um…the metal sculpt got finecasted, and we got a new plastic one, if that's what you mean.

    EDIT: While we're on finecast decisions, GW better not think that it's a good one to make $20 jungle swarms.
  12. dissappointed1

    dissappointed1 New Member

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    The fact remains the senior members who claimed shenanigans and troll rant should have called GW as i did to confirm. As should everybody. Your welcome for the information
  13. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Would have but was too busy painting in my parents basement to bother calling. :smug:
  14. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I have all the salamanders I need. If I decide to get more, I will get them the same place I have gotten most of my models. From the comfort of that basement on craigslist and ebay (at a discount, I might add).
  15. dissappointed1

    dissappointed1 New Member

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    You do that
  16. Anton_S
    Temple Guard

    Anton_S Member

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    I will keep an eye out for sure. If we're really lucky we might get plastics, which is always awesome for all the bits whether you want the exact models or not. More likely we'll get some Finecast, which is at least better than metal and would be really helpful for some of the heavier models.
  17. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Speaking of ebay and what not there are a few blister packs on there now, somewhat pricey but maybe cheaper than any fine cast that maybe coming out.

    Couple of the old out of print Sallies on there too, if your into that sort of thing.
  18. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I'm good on sallies for now. I could use a couple more razordons though. I plan on painting the two that I have in a flame like pattern so that I can use them as either sallies or razordons. I like the razordon model a lot more than the current sally model (I do not like the old sally model though).
  19. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Thread went sour fast. I'm not surprised to find out that they are not removing them from game play. I would never expect to see that from GW. When orgres started saying "our mage's shield is classified as armor so our mages can bring magic armors?" GWs reply was "Yes, not what was intended. And and not fair game play. They can bring magic armors but you should not do it,"
    So I highly doubt they'd cut a unit that is too effective because of their own failures. And the ogre death fist combo was that same thing. That is how it works but not intended so please don't do it. X_X Sometimes i wish they would fix inbalence.
    Not to mention the lizardmen's own slann. Cog, runemation, and cupped hands. Those are not working as intended and based on 7th edition when magic worked very differently. If anything needs fixed in the lizardmen army it's those three. Sallies are safe. They intentionally added most lores spell 6 for dealing with hordes. What a sallie does isn't breaking armies and doing the imposible like some of our other things.
  20. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Yea, it did sour fast.

    I still stand behind my thoughts on the trollish nature of the post. I mean the thread was started by someone who uses an ID that is negative and posts nothing but negative posts that are almost rants. Granted, it turned out to true (grain of salt here because it is still kinda subjective) and I was wrong about the post. I was just leary of so much negativity from a first time post.

    Anyway, I am hoping that they are obsolete in that they will be replaced by new models (my understanding is that no one really likes that model anyway).

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