Hey guys! I'd like to share with you some pictures of my Lizardmen army. I hope you like them! Here's my Big Toad just about to cast a Spell! The proud Stegadon carrying the Engine of the Gods. Ripping the heart of a Skaven on top of it. Another of my Stegadons. Some Temple Guard ready to destroy anything willing to approach their temples and Slann. We all love Skinks. So here are some. And my Cold-One-Headed-Sallies! Whenever I get more pics I'll post them right here. Hope you like them! Cheers!
"Some Conversions!" he says.... Wow! Those look awesome. I would like to see some more pictures of that slann. The stegadon with the head raised is awesome also. Not to mention the DE cold one heads on the sallies. Very impressive! I can't wait to see more....
While I really like your raised-head steg (nicely done!) I am most impressed with how your converterd Sallies look. Jaw-dropping WOW! Great work! Your painting scheme on them is fantastic, smooth, and blended nicely. Mark me under the jealous list please. I am going to keep an eye on this thread and am looking to seeing more great work! - Lord Cedric
Thank you guys for your comments! I really appreciate them. I've taken two pics with my BlackBerry, so the resolution is very poor, but here they go: The Slann sideways (being carried by two converted Kroxigors): And two Scar-Vets: Next shots will be taken with a good camera!
I see that the converted Kroxogors are the new plastic trolls. It appears that the slann's body is also a troll body. That looks really awesome. Do you put that slann in a unit of TG with the kroxigors? Great unit filler if so. Again, astounding work.
Thank you, Arli. Indeed, they all go in my TG unit. It's a little bit chaotic at first, ranking them I mean, but I've got something like 24 Temple Guard so there's no problem when casualties are taken.
Oh you definitely fixed the corny-looking sally heads. Well done! Unlike most people here, though, I like the look of your 2nd steg better. Nice conversions and paintjob!
Love the stegadons and love the conversion work on the sallies! They look way better than the standard GW ones.
Dude I gotta see more of that Slann... I've always loved the River Troll models, but never figured I'd use them. Inspirado!!!
Wow, really creative conversions. Especially with the stegadon positioning and the Slann. You are a master!
the slann is truly epic. i cant say i think it looks exactly like what i like in a slann, but it sure is epic i really love the fact that you have the oldschool colors, that is lots of very strong colors, rather than teh incredibly dull all-blue of the modern GW lizardmen. overall, you have some fantastic looking pieces there. id love to see more
Congratulations and some very nice and unique looking conversions there. I love conversions, I think they more than a fancy paint job will give your pieces a unique feel.