I found this posted to another forum. I thought you guys would find it interesting. Enjoy: http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com/2012/05/devlan-mud-and-badab-black-wash.html
Edit: Whole link went through for ya now I was wondering though how many people made a run on devlin mud and started hoarding it lol. Thanks for this great resource though. This really is a big deal for a lot of painters out there.
I've heard people say that Strong Tone is a match to Devlan but have never actually seen a comparison (after all, some people "say" Agrax is a match for Devlan when in reality it's not even close ). I might pick up a pot and see how it goes. It'd be great if it is a perfect match, then I won't have to worry about conserving my last 2 and a bit pots of Devlan