8th Ed. Ogre Death Stars; aka how I learned to hate my friends.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Vallek, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Turtleneck
    Cold One

    Turtleneck New Member

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    doom and darkness + sallie power
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    You might try out a comple skink army.
    (lots of core 10 skink units and little ealse).
    Ogres don't like poison.
  3. MOMUS
    Cold One

    MOMUS New Member

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    Grr n810 got there first, an all skink army at 2000 is pretty sharp. Local comp could prove a problem but that depends on your area.
    I have seen double slann skirmisher lists do well too at 2500+
  4. Turtleneck
    Cold One

    Turtleneck New Member

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    i play a slann skirmisher list for 2400 works out perfectly :)
  5. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    I allready said about an all skink list, but He Mathhammered me:(
  6. MOMUS
    Cold One

    MOMUS New Member

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    No you said to shoot at it with your all skink army, bad idea.

    Use your all skink army to shoot at all the sabretusks, monsters and ironblasters while avoiding the deathstar = good idea. :)
  7. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    Indeed, I will NEVER talk crap about skink shooting, it is amazing. However, shooting at prime targets and shooting at a brick wall are two totally different things. Skinks are not going to hold down and deal with a horde of ironguts... but you can bet they will be sprinting to the closest high value target and make it drown in poison.

    I am now a huge supporter or engaging the death star with a large block of saurus and sling-shotting past the melee with my slann to cast from behind. Deny the greedy fist slaughter master from being able to target me while I can toss all my buffs all over the place. Target denial and forcing the cheesey unit to fight on your terms is beautiful.

    That being said, couple it with lore of light, cube of darkness and dispell scroll on a pair of skink priests.. shut down magic, rocket past the unit, own it from behind.
  8. Warpaintoz
    Jungle Swarm

    Warpaintoz New Member

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    Perhaps this is one situation where the Carnosaur Oldblood trumps the Slann? I imagine with a Deathstar that big then he may not have all that many deployments, so line up the Carny, insert and eat. Providing you support with many skinks and two priests to shut down the magic for a turn or two then it might be a go.
  9. Taipan
    Temple Guard

    Taipan Member

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    Not even slightly. Enjoy killing maybe 3 of them, then having the Ironguts rape the Carnosaur to death with massed great weapon attacks. That is assuming of course he doesn't intercept it with an Ironblaster (Ogres have mobile cannons now, hooray), or with Mournfangs, or with the Death magic. The Old-Blood won't last much longer either, even with a 4+ ward that much great weapon death will kill him in like 2 rounds.

    Slann is still your best counter to the Level 4 Death Slaughtermaster every Ogre player will be rolling with. Skink Priests are going to get sniped hard and they can't do much to Ogres anyway. Send in a buffed Scar-Vet to assassinate the Rune Maw BSB (Piranha Blade is pretty good, he won't be able to save because at best he has heavy armour, and you need to chew through his wounds quickly). Once the Rune Maw is dead, you can drop 'Pit' on them (don't even need a 'Miasma' first) and laugh as the Gutstar is obliterated.
  10. Raithial

    Raithial New Member

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    I've had a battle against a Deathstar again today. And what troubles me most about the entire tactic; is the almost cowardly way it tries to win the battle. (yeah, I know, I'm gonna rant a bit; so if you don't want to read it all, feel free to skip a part)
    Each time I face a deathstar(which is an quite a lot) I am positively appaled by the cowardice who use them. They put all their eggs in an unbreakable basket, that you have to spend far too much on to destroy it. It's almost asif all they want is to win, and don't care about a fun game, they suck all the fun out of any match, particularly when you go in, expect to have a fun game, with lots of engaging combats and creative tactics; instead, big block of arrogant pieces of shit caring more about victory than the game itself. If you want to play a game like that, might as well cheat, it's equally sporting and fair in a fun game.

    I mean, if you have a single unit of Ironguts on the field, and all I can do is send 2 Stegadons, all my Saurus Warriors, and all my Templeguards in from all sides, and my only hope at victory is to force him to flee with a leadership test at 9 with Crone of Command; well fuck; that is not a fun game. I would say that the only other chance at victory is to use Purple Sun, and I'm above such cowardice. Those kinds of things are gamebreakers and I refuse to use them; and the ogre opponent has no regard for such things as honour and fun; all he sees is a chance at victory to make himself feel good.
    He, and another opponent in my currect group even took over to the point where I'm leaving the group and searching for a new group that does regard fun and honour as the main attractions to Warhammer.

    A Slann, nomatter how unbalanced, is still fragile to several painfull parts. such a deathstar; it's just fucked up.
  11. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    If you can't compromise, do as you are; move on. Hopefully you'll find some casual players soon.
  12. Daeghrefn

    Daeghrefn New Member

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    Deathstars seem impossibly formidable at first, but all ogre players greatly fear the Purple Sun. A single vortex spinning through thier unkillable unit can utterly decimate it; what's left can be easy pickings for a Slann in TG unit.
    Running death in this situation could be the best thing; in addition to the vortex you have access to the -3 Ld spell. Ogres can fall apart with nerfed Ld... stubborn or not he's still testing on a 6 or so with that in play.

    Concerning the faq ruling on the template spells - it has been my experience with GW wording that when they say "Template" they mean only the teardrop shaped breath weapon template. They tend to refer to the round templates more specifically. This would make sense in regards to the faq since there is no situation where you would place a tear drop template and not be "targetting a unit". The round templates almost always pick an arbitrary spot on the table, scatter, or otherwise float around.
  13. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    Actually, in the BRB it clearly states that ANY direct damage spell.. template or not.. must target a unit. Thats why Pit of Shades can be stopped but Purple Sun cannot, as Purple Sun is a Vortex.

    The main issue with Purple Sun is it is the epitome of cheese. Cheesier than the deathstar you are destroying with it. Most players I know see the liberal use of Purple Sun (especially the empowered version) to be utterly craptastic.

    Thus, compromise is key. I don't throw Purple Sun and my friend as agreed to not bring a slaughter master with greedy fist to our games. This has made our games MUCH more enjoyable and since we are both agreeing to take things down a notch it doesn't feel like anyone is whining or complaining.
  14. Ejpok
    Temple Guard

    Ejpok New Member

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    "Deathstars seem impossibly formidable at first, but all ogre players greatly fear the Purple Sun. A single vortex spinning through thier unkillable unit can utterly decimate it; what's left can be easy pickings for a Slann in TG unit"
    You seriously runa Slann with death in a TG unit and Cast Purple Sun??:)
  15. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I agree with Ejpok on that. Every time (and I mean every time) that I have ever ran a Death slann and cast Purple sun, it misfires and kills my slann and/or TG.

    No joke.

    I may take a Death slann, but I will not cast that spell. I do not mind if my opponent casts the spell. Part of the fun (for me, at least) is combating that spell and overcoming whatever my oppoent tries to throw my way.

    Hell, let em bring Teclis, I do not care. I just want to play the game and have fun while doing it. The last time that I played Teclis, I killed him in turn 2. The HE player conceded the game as soon as I killed him. That part could have been better, but it was still fun.

    When I play and my lizards are losing, many times I will make the other player wipe them off the battle field as I am disgusted by their performance anyway.
  16. Daeghrefn

    Daeghrefn New Member

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    No, I don't run death with my Slann. The chances of it going wrong are too high.
    He just seemed to be reaching for some way to wreck ogres, and that was the most devastating thing I could come up with.
  17. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    I've used death in some 30+ games so far, and havent misfired the Purple Sun yet. It's not like that you're casting it every single turn, and you get the 2+ look out sir roll vs it, if it happens to misfire. Sun just happens to be only counter lizzies have against ogres.

    ( I run double Slann, no TG)
  18. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Ummm.... don't you need 5+ rank and file troops joined to your character to get a look sir roll?
    also you don't get a look out sir against vortexes anyway?
  19. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Forgot to mention that slann is mostly (like 96% of the time) in saurus/ skink unit when he tries to cast Sun.

    AFAIK rulebook Faq says I get Look out sir against templates (both magic and shooting)
  20. Raithial

    Raithial New Member

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    I was just wondering about the dual-slann lists... could a Lore of Life and Lore of Light Loremasters list work against a deathstar? ... I mean, you come equiped with the full range, and putting out WS10, S4 I10 +1A(at six wide that counts into 30 attacks), with ASF and rerolls.... and when getting hit back they'll be hitting at 5's, against T8 AS5+, and they could get a 4+Regen save... put that on a Saurus unit, and keep ready a Steg to the side to smash into them, sounds like a pretty reasonable defense-strategy against an Ogre deathstar, without resorting to the Purple Cheezecake of Death. Sure, it will take at least a 2500 point list, and you'll be relying HEAVILY on magic, but a single Saurus Horde like this, equiped with spears might just be able to completely shatter the ogre deathstar and send them running back to their maw..?
    I mean, we're talking 10 wide, with spears, waiting for the enemy to charge in with Gor-rok in the ranks to negate their bull-charge, we're talking about 60 (WS10 S4 I10 ASF +rerolls) hits.
    This list however, seems very vulnerable to the PCOD(Purple Cheezecake of Death), so you'll need to have at least a dispell scroll.

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