Some of my Lizardmen (Updated with a Cold One)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by AllSeeingSkink, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Looks really good! I like the brighter colours on the dorsal fin, otherwise the model would have been too dark, in my opinion. You could also go to a completely different direction with the eyes. Maybe some light blue or light green even.
  2. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Hmm, yeah, something like a bright yellowish green could work or an ice blue. I was thinking yellow because yellow would work across my entire army, purple skinks, green saurus, red cold ones/sallies and I think yellow eyes will work well on all of them.

    I'm trying to figure out how to paint the Thunderwolves which are going to be drawing my Wolf Chariots. Here are some prototypes, I'd love to hear some thoughts on them, if you like any of them or have suggestions on how to paint them better than this... I can never paint wolves how I picture them in my mind and it annoys me because I love wolves :D


    The last image was my attempt to emulate the GW Thunderwolf which I really like the look of but haven't really been able to recreate...

    I did the dark grey a bit too dark and the light grey a bit too light. Probably wouldn't hurt to mix a bit of dark brown into the dark grey to dull it down a bit as well. :rage:
  3. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Wow, they look superb, really ferocious! I like the third one from the top the most.
  4. MI_Tiger
    Temple Guard

    MI_Tiger Member

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    The third picture is my favorite also - I think the brown/tan mix is a great look. But I would use all the color variations in the army. Real wolves don't all have the same colors, and this is for an Orc and Goblin army - anything too uniform would look out of place.
  5. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Thanks! The 3rd one is my favourite too, it's actually painted with much the same technique as the 2nd and 4th ones just I used more of the medium brown on it and highlighted the lower portion with a bleached bone/skull white mix to finish it off.

    For the smaller wolves which will be for the standard wolf riders, I plan on mixing up the colours in a mish mash of all the styles in my above post, as I'll have about 20 wolf riders all up in the army (maybe 30 if I can be bothered) I think it'll make it look like a natural wolf pack, with some dark, some light, some with their winter fur, some have already shed into their summer fur, etc etc.

    What I'm trying to decide though is how to do the Thunderwolves, as there's only 3 of them I don't want them to clash with each other and want them to look nice ranked up on their chariot bases side by side. I'm thinking one light brown like the 3rd image, one darker brown like the 4th image, then one white/brown/dark grey like the 6th image.

    Any thoughts? I'm open to suggestions on schemes or ideas on how to paint them better.
  6. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I decided this morning to get the Space Wolves Fenrisian Wolf Pack to use as sabertusks and dire wolves for my Ogres and VC. Those look great.
  7. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    I'm undecided on the Fenrisian Wolf models. It took GW soooo long to bring out some new standard wolf models, the old ones pictured above are from 1991 I believe.

    I bought a box of fenrisian wolves which I haven't painted yet, they're definitely a big improvement on the old ones and look nicer than a lot of other wolf models I've seen, but to me they're still a bit "not quite right". They look a bit more like large domestic dogs rather than wolves to me, and they're a bit skinny around the stomach so they look like they're built like racing dogs or simply malnutritioned. Also the way the fur flares out around the neck looks a bit strange, it makes the head look oddly disconnected from the body.

    They aren't terrible models and I'll probably end up buying a whole horde of them to represent fenrisian wolves in my space wolves, goblin wolf riders in my O&G and dire wolves in my vampire counts, they just still look a bit weird to me.

    The thunderwolf models on the other hand I really like, they're a bit too skinny around the midsection but it's understandable since they need to be for the riders to get their legs over them and you don't notice if you mount a rider to them or even mount a harness to them like I'm doing for my O&G chariots.
  8. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Where is the lizardmen love?
  9. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    I just have too many armies going at once! :p Been mostly working on my 'nids and Orcs as they're both around 1700pts of painted models and I was wanting to get them up to 2k.

    I painted another 4 Cold Ones last week, they just look the same as my previous one though so I didn't post any more pics. The only difference being I used Balthasar Gold for the gold bits to speed things up and painted the claws a bit more neatly.
  10. Karnaak

    Karnaak New Member

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    I too was having issues with eye colors when i found the solution: Black. black eyes with a tiny dot of light gray as a "shine" makes the lizzies look like horrendous killing machines. works especially well with bright color schemes.
  11. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    I haven't updated this thread for a while since I haven't painted any Lizardmen in a while. Thought I'd show off my Ork Warbuggy which I've been working on.

    This is actually a very old model of mine that I painted almost 15 years ago as a kid. I just repainted a few bits to test out a new scheme inspired by old hot rods (the variety with black paint, lots of chrome and a flame job).

    I was actually thinking of buying one of the new Ork Bommerz and painting it up with a similar scheme, but since I don't have an airbrush I wanted to test my ability to fade yellow into orange using only a brush and paint free hand flames. So this model is just the prototype for that.




  12. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Looks really good, the change from red to yellow is nice and subtle. Could you share your technique with that?
  13. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Nothing special really. For the rear wheel guards, I based the whole model in Averland Sunset (since the orange is Blazing Orange which has poor coverage over black) then painted around 6 layers to blend from pure Averland Sunset gradually mixing in more Blazing Orange to get pure orange at the rear of the wheel guard.

    The only slightly tricky thing was I used feathering with a fine detail brush to blend the layers together rather than giving sudden transitions from one layer to the next, something which I haven't really done much of in the past. Normally I'd use heavily watered down paints to make each layer semi-transparent and blend it, or do a bit of wet blending, however I find those techniques are good for small detailed areas, but they turn out messy for large flat areas like this. The other advantage compared to using transparent colours, with transparent colours you have to repaint the entire area (minus the small area that's the previous colour) with each layer, but with feathering you get away with just painting the few millimeters that actually need to be that tone before moving to the next tone, makes the whole process a lot quicker (at least for a model like this).

    The flames I did in a similar fashion, again I painted the entire area Averland Sunset, painted the outline of the flames with Blazing Orange, then used feathering to blend the Averland Sunset into the Blazing Orange. I then painted the black last of all, carefully going around the flames with a fine detail brush before getting a big thick brush to finish it off.

    The Averland Sunset is good because it only takes 2 or 3 coats over black to get a solid colour. It's not a super bright yellow, though it looks ok for this purpose since it looks bright next to the black and orange.

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