Tutorial 8th edition Enchanted Items for Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Scalenex, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    In the tradition of the mighty user Boq and his magic item thread on the LM items and the BRB weapons, talismans, and armor (put in the Tactica Index), here is a thread where I rated BRB Enchanted Items. I’m using the same star system.

    The rates are - * = bad
    ** = not recommended
    *** = ok
    **** = good
    ***** = amazing

    Wizarding Hat *** - Slann are very powerful and they don’t generally need help. Once in a while you want a wizard that can fight (especially for Storm of Magic). This is also the only way we can get a low level wizard with something other than the Lore of Heavens. This can only be equipped to Old Bloods and doesn’t allow any other magical items, but an Old Blood is still capable of hitting hard and getting a low AS without magical items. I believe with current rules interpretations you can choose the lore. Just what lore to use is probably worth a thread in and of itself. Note if you take a Slann and Oldblood and don’t give the Slann lore mastery, you can be virtually guaranteed to pick at least one of the Oldblood’s spells if not both. cough cough Transformation of Kadon cough cough EDIT: That was a house rule used at my local store, I guess the lore is random so no great planning there.

    Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress ** - There was a thread talking about giving this to a Slann and bunkering them in the fortress. or you can try using this with a solo Slann

    Arabyan Carpet * - We can make our skinks fly for cheaper with the Cloak of Feathers or a Terradon. I don’t see a whole lot of situations where you want a flying Saurus character. Slann can’t use it at all.

    Crown of Command **** - Viewed by some as standard issue for lone Scar Veterans and especially Oldbloods. Not terrible with a character in a unit if you don’t expect to be able to hold enough ranks to keep Steadfast.

    Healing Potion ** - Overpriced for what it does even if you aren’t using the Lore of Life. If it applied to mounts I’d consider giving it to Carnosaur riders but I don’t think it works that way.

    Featherfoe Torc ** - For the cost, I couldn’t justify this unless I was almost guaranteed to be facing many flyers.

    Ruby Ring of Ruin**** - I haven’t tried it myself but I’ve read people using this successfully giving this to Saurus and Skink characters sneaking a strategic fireball in here and there. Think of it is adding a half level wizard to the army.

    The Terrifying Mask of EEE! *** - Terror isn’t as powerful as it used to be and it’s probably a weak choice for Saurus characters (they can take a Cold One for about the same price to get Fear, AS, and an extra attack). Here’s the fun part though. Temple Guard champions can no longer take enchanted items, but a Slann can take the Terrifying Mask of EEE! for cheaper than the discipline that does the same thing.

    Potion of Strength *** - Good if you need your Saurus to open a can of whup-ass against a steam tank or something similar. Also used on Skink chiefs. They don’t last long in close combat so make their first round count.

    Potion of Toughness ** - I’m sure there is a use for it, I just don’t know what it is. It cost the same as the Potion of Strength and in Warhammer I believe offense usually beats defense in usefulness.

    Other Trickster’s Shard *** - Excellent if you are fighting demons or expecting to have your character wade through a bunch of Savage Orcs. In Storm of Magic this becomes a **** item for it’s use in sending Saurus characters against enemy fulcrums. The Other Trickster’s Shard is cheap enough that if you’re not sure if you are going to face enemies with Ward saves or not, it’s cheap enough that it won’t hurt you too much to burn the points on your list. EDIT: Don't forget this penalizes your own Ward saves so you probably don't want to take this if your character in question is relying on his own Ward Save.

    Iron Curse Icon ***** - I include this on almost every list (course I play a lot of foes that like artillery). If I take a bunkered Slann I usually give this to the Slann (or the Temple Guard champion), since the TG are assuredly going to be a major artillery magnet. I’ve also given these to Scar Veteran BSBs, and Scar Veterans leading Cold One Riders. You really only need to save a single wound to more than pay for the Icon. Some people think 5 points is a worthy price to give Carnosaurs and character ridden Stegadons a 1 in 6 chance of surviving a cannon ball unscathed.

    Potion of Foolhardiness **** - I like it for mounted Saurus characters. If I have not picked another Enchanted Item, I usually take the Potion of Foolhardiness. Mounted characters can reasonably expect to get the charge, and five points is pretty cheap for an extra attack, even if you only get it once.

    Potion of Speed *** - I don’t think Initiative is that important in 8th ed. It does cover a weakness of Saurus characters relative to other characters and is cheap, so the item has some foreseeable use.
  2. Anton_S
    Temple Guard

    Anton_S Member

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    I don't see how there's an interpretation that lets you choose the lore for the Wizarding Hat.

    You also forgot the Other Trickster's Shard, which is one of my most frequently used Enchanted Items. Most people like to protect their key characters with a ward save so I find it really helpful on a S7 Saurus.

    Other than that it's a good writeup, cheers!
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    The wizarding hat is a random lore and causes stupidity. So you can at least put the old blood on a cold one.
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Couple things you might want to edit:

    The Slann can't ride the carpet since hi isn't "on foot" but in fact allreay riding his panaquin.

    Old Bloods are in fact Lords.

    The lore for the Wizards hat is purely random.

    otherwize not a bad review. :smug:
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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  6. twistedmagpie

    twistedmagpie Member

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    This is not true, the rule only states that models in base contact with the wearer. A model does not class as in base contact with himself!!!!!
  7. desra

    desra New Member

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    Please also be aware that a Revered Guardian can only take magic Weapons.
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Well thats new... :depressed:
  9. desra

    desra New Member

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    Yh I had to read it a couple of times to make sure...

    Revered Guardian may take a magic weapon worth up to.... 25 pts

    Quoted from the new book... Hope this gets changed to magic items....
  10. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    On the plus side, Temple Guard are still equipped with shields by default, so if you give the Revered Guardian something like the Sword of Might, he will be able to use his shield for a 3+ armor save and retain Strength 5. The other advantage to doing this is you are adding magical attacks to the unit (3 attacks) which means you won't get as bogged down by ethereals.
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I hadn't gone around to checking it for discrepancies with the new book, but it's been fixed now.

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