8th Ed. Anyone tried the deathly shadow combo

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Daneish, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Daneish
    Cold One

    Daneish New Member

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    So been looking at it a bit, why not try for some 1st/2nd turn shenanigans to use a death and shadow slann together.

    Shadow steed of shadows up to the enemy flank making sure to stay within 18" of the the death mage. Pops a pit/pendulum depending on how your dice rolls went, swaps places with the death mage who lets lose with purple sun and then with the dice generated can try to cap any characters in range.

    I know it is a bit dependent on the dice, forbidden rod skink anyone, and I certainly wouldn't do it in a friendly match up, but for those times when you want to crush someone before they have even really done anything so they learn to tone it down a bit. I am looking at you two hpas/hydras.

    So has anyone tried it and what was it like?
  2. ThatFrogGuy

    ThatFrogGuy New Member

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    I had a similar build, but not with Lizardmen.

    I was using Dark Elvis. 3 mages actually....lvl 4 Shadow, lvl 2 death, level 1 dark.

    I rolled poorly and went 2nd...imagine that.

    Even so, he was still lined up almost perfectly, and I dropped a pit of shades first (irresistible, suck) and then after resolving the miscast, threw down a purple sun. He simply failed to dispel that one. Lastly, had the level 1 dark caster hit the remains of his horde with Soul Stealer (every guy takes a S2 hit, no saves, wounds transferred to the caster) and when THAT went off he cussed, packed up his shit and went home.

    He was not a happy camper, and I was a sad panda. Took almost 2 weeks before he called me, but we are still friends now. I get evil looks if I have more than 1 wizard, unless its skinkly ones...Heavens is just too "nice" for such horrible mean tricks.
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I like that you put Dark Elvis in that post. Even if it was a slip, it is quite good!

    As to the post, I have not tried that particular trick. I have used a life and death slann as well as a light and death slann. I usually do not mind any power builds like that though. If my opponent wants to bring out Teclis, let him, I will either win or lose. As long as we have fun, I do not care.

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