Stupid High Elves

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Brock Sampson, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Brock Sampson

    Brock Sampson New Member

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    New to the Land of Lustria. Played High Elves in 7th ed. Haven't played 8th ed at all. Guess I got tired of every battle being a down and out struggle and always being outnumbered. I'm looking at Lizardmen b/c I'd like to play a solid army. I enjoy the models and like the background fluff. So before I get into 8th edition with Lizardmen, any words of warning? Any constructive criticism for a new player?
  2. capsian

    capsian New Member

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    I'm rather new myself to the forums and to LM as well (about 4 months I guess). I'm not sure how much advice I can give, but I will say I do enjoy how variable the LM lizard list can be. They are solid in just about every phase (magic, shooting, and melee). Beyond that, I'd just say take a look at the lists people put up and which models you like and go with that.
  3. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Hello and welcome to Lustria Online!

    It's great to see more table-top veterans from earlier editions. Glad your initial bearings with 8th edition will be with Lizardmen.

    It's a great time to pick up Lizzie's as we are such a versatile army. 8th edition has really stepped up the Magic phase, took some thunder away from cavalry and put it towards infantry.

    With the new Magic rules and spells, the Slann is on the top of the casting world. Our Saurus troops are some of the better Core infantry in-game. Skirmishing has taken a hit in 8th, but our poison darts and javelins are pretty potent and can now hurt warmachines.

    No, we don't have the shooting range as other armies as that is a drawback with Lizardmen. But at movement 6, our infantry can outrun and have a better chance of out-maneuvering our enemies. We also have flyers (Terradons with skink riders) and Monsters (Stegadons and Carnosaurs) and living artillery with flame-spouting Salamanders and quill firing Razordons.

    Model wise, we have just gotten many of our metals turned to FineCast resin. So, if you prefer less weight on your table, then great! If not, well then I'd suggest you check your LGS or Ebay for some before they are off the shelfs.

    Unfortunately, GW just did a price hike this month, but being a vet from 7th I am sure you are aware of GW's price increases anyways.

    This forum has so many talented artists and great tacticians so I am sure there is something archived that can help you out. And if you can't seem to find an answer to a question(s), then just ask it in the appropriate thread heading and I am sure we'll get you some answers. :D

    Once again, welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay!

    - Lord Cedric
  4. Jediknight620

    Jediknight620 New Member

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    You give L-O a feeling of regality, Lord Cedric. :)

    Also welcome from one LM n00b to another! These guys are great, so don't be afraid to ask any questions.
  5. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Why thank you! Though I must admit, it's pretty easy to say these things because our community is so awesome!

    - Lord Cedric

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