Greetings children of the old ones, I come to you seeking the knowledge of your painting secrets, specifically tips tricks and color progressions on how one paints obsidian stone. I'm looking for an ornamental look, for a character model. Many thanks in advance. Amasul of Tor Ellyr, Captain of Ulthuan
I painted mine black, then I highlighted the raised portions with a medium level gray, then I finished it with a gloss coat.
For weapons, I simply painted the obsidian parts with Tin Bitz and then washed them with Bhaal Red. I think this gives them a stony, but worn outlook, not the kind of shiny, decorative obsidian.
Well that was for my Slann's obsidian throne. For weapons, like the teeth on saurus and skink weapons, I just to black with a gloss coat. Simple, lazy and effective.
Shouldn't obsidian have a purple highlight? I would try and do some very fine highlight with purple over black and then heavy washes of purple wash. And gloss on the top.
I like to think of all the purple on my Lizards as some kind of fantasy obsidian. It's black > Hormagaunt Purple drybrush > Lilac Purple drybrush > Praxeti White drybrush > purple wash. Tons of it in my paintlog.
Special materials require special paints I'd recommend iridescent paints: And to see it in a video: