Ohhhhhh.... I so want to make this. http://extremeencounters.blogspot.com/2009/11/mythical-mayan-temple-by-jbmallus.html Ahhh here is a better link http://hirstarts.yuku.com/topic/4147
Very nice! I want to eventually get into the making of stuff like that using the Hirst art stuff. I just haven't yet. Post your progress, or better yet, video it and put it on youtube!
That is a very nice piece. Hirst Arts has definitely been on my wishlist since I started the Lizardmen. I hope I get around to making some terrain later.
I've actually got something like this on my to-do list, though built from scratch. I have a pet lizard (uromastyx, called tecko) and a while back I was looking at ways to build him a custom vivarium. The way they all do it is to start with thin sheets of polystyrene, card, or styrene, then paint it with grout. You can buy the grout in big tubs like emulsion paint, quite cheap, and it dries hard as stone. It also has a stony texture, so mission accomplished! Anyhow, I'll be sure to take some pics when I finally get round to it!