Re: Rebuilding the Host wow! looks awesome. Great technique and good colors. bases are very nice as well. Only thing i would have done different is one more stage of highlights on the green shields. other than that, great
Re: Rebuilding the Host well I was going to post one of my saurus, but now I´m not sure, your saurus are awesom... as Lord T said, give the shields more highlighting. maybe start with a very dark green, and wash that. then layer up from... lets say dark angels green-snot green-goblin green-maybe a wash to blend the colors. skinks look greate dude! inow if you wanna see my saurus (or TG, they are very different) just shout!
Re: Rebuilding the Host Did these some time ago but was too busy with school to take som pics. As always, the pics are terrible I plan on doing some more work on the priest's cloak...
Re: Rebuilding the Host Made some changes to the priest: added dots on his crest and some colour to his cloak: Also converted this guy. The weapon he had just didn't do it for me, so I made him a mace out of 4 skink brave swords: As always, apologies for the crappy photos. I'll just add that to my signature so i won't have to repeat myself every time
Re: Rebuilding the Host i must say that i really like your painting style. I am not crazy about the "new" lizardmen "club swords" at all, and i am going for more swords and axes myself. still i think you have done a good job with that model. already looking forward to see it painted
Re: Rebuilding the Host Well, it's been a while, I got pushed back to page 3 . School got in the way again, but I've continued work on that Saurus character and some regular Sauri, though they are all far from finished. What i did finish however are 5 Skinks with blowpipes: The models are under heavy light (the sun won't show it's face...), but colours are well represented (a bit purple maybe). Hopefully I'll be able to make some better pics soon, but i'll be going to a festival for 3 days tomorrow .
Re: Rebuilding the Host Man they look amazing, dont really like how dark they are, but man they look excellent!
Re: Rebuilding the Host I just noticed it has almost been a year since I made a post in my blog, I'm a bit embarrassed now... I have the usual excuses like shcool etc though And I've also been working on an Orc army (not that that one is going any faster...) Anyway, here are lazy Didymus' "new" additions: I've finished the box of Saurus Warriors I bought two years ago.... A new batch is ready for painting. Man it's been a long time since I deployed a unit in ranks of 4 I've painted the slightly converted Saurus Hero: I've also painted another Skink Priets, one of the older models (love this model ): And last, my first Salamander in my new scheme. I tried something different for him to make him stand apart while still making sure he fits with the rest (mostly done by how I paint the scales): That's it for now. A lot of other Lizardmen are ready for painting: skinks, saurus warriors, kroxigor,... I've found a good way stripping paint of minis (both metal and plastic): dettol. This should save me quite a lot of money . Oh, and I managed to pic up a box of 10 6th edition Temple Guard (by far the best ), so I can make an even bigger unit of awesomeness See you guys in a year .
Re: Rebuilding the Host More natural colours? You mean the green I used for the salamander? That will probably be the colour scheme I will use for the "animals" in my army (salamanders, stegadon, cold ones,..)
Re: Rebuilding the Host Hey all, it's time for my yearly update! (seriously, check te dates) First up, fleshing out what I already had, which means: Extra Saurus warriors: Another Kroxigor: And extra Salamanders: Also started some Cold One Riders: And a Stegadon. It still needs its howdah, but that metal model is just horrible to paint and assemble, so I might scratchbuild my own version: Next I built a unit of Chameleon Skinks. I had 3 of the metal models, but unwilling to pay for any more I cheapskated my way to the finish: Some Temple Guards (6th edition <3 ): Ofcourse, they are nothing without a big guy to protect! I put him on floating stones because, again, I don't enjoy painting that palanquin. I did paint it, but I wasn't happy and opted for a more natural look, inspired by Divinor: And last, my latest addition, which I finished today, a Saurus Cowboy! It's based on the mounted Scar-Vet model, but the head, weapon and shield really didn't do it for me, so I swapped them. About the horns: when I was looking through my bits I found this head of a silly, stupid conversion I did when I was still a kid. It may not be the most esthetical conversion, but it brings back a lot of memories, so I used it That's all for now, I guess I'll see you next year
Re: Rebuilding the Host I lie the slan, simple yet effective! Not too sure about the "comedy running bush" skink but I do like the other two
Re: Rebuilding the Host Those camo skinks are pretty clever. I like the one in the reeds with the blowpipe sticking out. At least it wasn't just a bush and you swearing he was in there lol; that's pretty much how a ghillie looks. I definitely might follow suit with the KISS slaan style. I really dig it.
I kept thinking that the Slann on a rock was missing something... after a while I finaly realized what it was... His skink attendant. Ps. nice scarvet cowboy conversion.