8th Ed. Life Saver

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Daneish, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Daneish
    Cold One

    Daneish New Member

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    Hey all,

    Not sure if this idea has been posted or not yet and is rather situational but it may help one of my fellow lizards out so I thought I would stick it up here.

    So you use a life slann eh? Ever thought about just how good a spell regrowth is?

    Oh no my unit of 30 Saurus have been taken don to 7 models in some horrendous imitative based test disaster and are fleeing. I will never rally them on snake eyes even if I am cold blooded, there is 360 victory points to my opponent.

    But wait I can cast regrowth, even on the unthroned version I get the one model I need to bring the unit back to above 25% and rally them next turn.

    Obviously this is a bit situational but it could potentially save games. When units, I am mainly looking at you skinks fall below 25% and are fleeing, take a minuet to see if a regrowth can get them back in the fight or at least acting as VP deniers.

    Life angers our opponents yet again.
  2. MOMUS
    Cold One

    MOMUS New Member

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    Thats a good use of an overlooked spell in the most boring lore in wfb. ;)

    You could just use the lore of light and all units within 12" automatically rally

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