So I once had the idea for a painting contest featuring one of our owns sculpted krox. I think you all know who i'm talking about. Since if you haven't heard it's about time they become avalible to buy, it's past time for me to start collecting intrest and poking around for ideas on how or if this contest will work. I'd like to here all thoughts and even bettet all intrests in becoming a contestant such a contest. I'll start with my own pro/con/concerns about it. Pros. Who doesn't want to see 10 or so of this model painted up all pretty or even painted at all. Esp if some of our best painters get one. Atm lustria very much lacks painting contests, and this is a hobby forum site. Sucess of this could inspire more from not only T'ink, but others as well. We all love models or why play? Get tips on painting/motivation to paint and get projects done Cons/concerns. Our last contest didnt make it to voting due to lack of intrest i think. Forum trafic is low in the summer. Even less intrest. Not much feedback for entries. So those are my thoughts. So about the cons, i'm looking for intrest mostly. Thoughts and advice as well.
The last one didn't go to votes, not because of lack of interest (I think there were a fair few submissions if you counted the late ones), but because SeBM (the organiser) went MIA. In regards to feedback, people were posting their images in the submissions thread, and other places, so you can't really expect too much feedback when that happens. I also think if everyone's doing the same single model, people would get more feedback. It's hard to process when there's so many different things to catch your attention in the other comps. Summer traffic is an issue, I guess. For what it's worth, I'd totally be in for this. However: Logistics concerns - When will the model be available - People would need to receive the model in time (and not be late in ordering), despite differing delivery times Actual Problems: - Polls are broken, right?
As far as judging i was planning on not using a poll primarily. Instead a judging sheet. Anyone can be a judge. no limit on the number of judges, as long as each judge fills out the sheet for each entry. I am still playing with the idea. So if anyone is intrested in judging or the idea comments, thoughts and ideas welcome. I have a rough idea of what is on the sheet. More like an iron chief points system. The goal is to give each entry comments and crits instead of a +1 to their poll option. Looks something like this. Sample: Overall look: 1-10 pionts First impresion: (1-5 words) Painting: 1-10 Comments1-5 lines) Colors: 1-5 Comments: Shadow/hilights/blending: 1-5 Comments: Details: 1-5 Comments: Conversions/original look: 1-5 Comments: Basing: 1-10 Comments:
On th issue of time, He says this model will be available soon and be posting details. I was thinking 3 months to get it and paint it is fair? This contest offers an unusual advantage. There is no need for before pictures or anything of that nature since no one will have the model too long before the contest starts given I put it up on time.
That sounds like a really good idea. I would be interested, but I'm flying away for work for a few months and won't be able to compete What would the price of the model be? The only real negative I would see is that since it's a common model, you might get less entries because for some people it might not be a model they need in their armies.
I actually don't know anything about how much, when or where to get it. But that is a pretty good point. I suppose I could open it up to all krox models if there aren't enugh. Or wait 4-6 months after summer ends and see if we get more. But I'd really prefer if it there were 5-10 of his kroxigor. Although you could always judge if you cannot enter.
I'd love it if we kept it to one model range (ie. one of t'hinker'er's). Convert away, but everyone would start at more or less the same spot.
Hey guys! I just got off the phone with the President of Chapterhouse Studios and he said that the Croc-Ogres are on their way to casting tomorrow! Expect them to be available to the public for purchase in about 3 weeks (when I will be on my honeymoon!) I have no information about the pricing at this point, but right now he is planning on doing them in high quality plastic resin. Just so everyone knows what it is that we are talking about, here are the final shots of the miniatures, taken the day I mailed them off for casting: Each mini is in 3 parts, but are designed to be very easy to assemble with virtually invisible seams. Really looking forward to seeing how people interpret them! Please pass this along to the larger gaming community - the more that sell the more other miniatures I will make, and Chapterhouse is new to fantasy, so decent sales will convince them to expand their line as well. Cheers!
Yeah I didn't mean to say 1 model wasn't a good idea. I really like the idea of it just being one model which everyone paints. My concern was just at the thought maybe less people would get involved if it wasn't an off the shelf model, wasn't a model they need for their army, was a bit on the pricey side or difficult for some people to get (if we have younger members who don't have a CC or people who don't like buying things online, personally I don't mind buying things online but still avoid international mail order where I can). I think from previous competitions, you get a bunch of people saying they'll enter, then about half of those do actually enter then around half of those actually finish painting the models by the date It'd suck is we had the competition and only 2 or 3 people actually bought and finished the model for judging. But I'm probably just being overly pessimistic Go for it and see how it turns out.
If we were to broaden it to 'Kroxigor' in general, or something of the sort, which included off the shelf, custom converted or made by a member models, then it would make it easier for people to participate. I'd love to play, but I won't be picking up one of those sadly.
Hm, I might enter if the contest wasn't limited to that model. I'm already a very slow painter, so I won't be painting anything that I don't need for my armies (unless it's a really cool mini).
I'm not getting that model either; it is nice and I would put it ahead of the first and second generation GW Krox, but the most recent one is still better in my opinion. I agree with Moniker that limiting a competition to just one specific model will probably lead to very few participants.