Newcastle Starter

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Trix, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. Trix

    Trix New Member

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    Hey all, long time Warhammer fan, new time Lizardmen fan. :p
    I used to be quite a bit of a hater of Lizardmen back in the day (damn Slann's XD), but since reading the fluff I have started to get into the army and became a fan of the little lizards :p

    So I have decided I wanted to do a lovely theme skink army based around the sky city, lots of little guys and a nice chunk of terradon goodness :p

    Anyways, glad to be here and happy to do my part to keep the invaders out :bored:
  2. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Hello and welcome to Lustria Online!

    Like yourself, I too was pretty well against collecting a Lizardmen army. But maybe for different reasons. Although I started playing in 4th edition, my first official collection was the 5th edition starter box with the Brets (and had the Bret General bonus model) and Lizardmen. I bought the set for the rules and Bret models. I didn't care about the lizard models because they were, imo, awkward and ugly sculpts.

    It wasn't until they were redone in what we see now in sculpts that I began to like them... though some were in metal but that's ok with me. Once I started liking the models, I began reading the fluff and history and then I got hooked. :D

    I've still got a lot of the original models and some I still use in my current army as they are really some neat characteristically appealing models (except the Saurus warriors.. just not liking them. lol).

    Back to your intro... I'd really like to see some WIPS of your Skink themed Sky City when you get started. Perhaps make a plog here on the forums? Either way, am glad to see another recruited Lizardmen General added to the ranks.

    Once again, welcome to Lustria!

    - Lord Cedric
  3. Trix

    Trix New Member

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    Well embarressing as it is to say that I have never painted an army... not even a unit in all the years I have been in this hobby ^^;;;. I normally get the models, put them together and can't wait to play games...

    Well this time around I am going for a fresh start, and it will be with the Lizards :p. I could put up and do a blog... but first things first I need to figure out what the color scheme is going to be for the sky skinks... right now I have no idea XD
    But on another note I definatly would want to do a sky temple for an army on parade board, equipped with Stegadon pens and Terradon nests :p

    And thanks for the welcome ^^

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