Im looking at getting some parts from horde o bits on ebay. I live in the uk and last time i got a parcel from usa i had to pay £20 when i recieved the item (custom tax or something) has anyone in the uk ordered from horde o bits and not had to pay extra when it arrives
Haven't ordered from them, but basically it comes down to how the parcel is labelled and declared. Generally if you ask them to label it as goods for repair it gets in okay. I've done some commission work for americans and have to ask them to label it that way so that there's no customs fee. (Learnt the hard way, with a £35 penalty. Useless british customs, I really hate them.) The other option is to make sure it's not listed with some retardedly high value. A few bits should only be valued at £2-3 and is under the £15 'gift' limit.
Yeah, I buy things from eBay as well and most cheap stuff are labelled "gift" to avoid stupid customs.
have you tried using one of the U.K. bits companys ? i have bought from both & service is excellant