EDIT: This post has been edited, therefor some answer may seem weird and irrelevant. Since I am going to start work on some big conversion and terrain projects soon I want to make molds of parts I'm going to use several times to spare time and money. What experience do you guys have of making molds? What is the best vasting material to use? I am probably going to use instant mold since my friend has some that he is kindly enough to lend me.
I believe recreating GW's intellectual property would be considered breach of their copyright and is probably not allowed on this kind of forum. It's probably against the rules to use something like Sculpey clay to make a mould and bake it off, then press it into more Sculpey to make copies.
Well yeah that's probably true, maybe I should shut down this thread and find my information elsewhere... Edit: I can edit this thread to be about molding in general, I will get the same info I need and no worry about copyright infringements. Altough I don't think it's a problem.
Maybe you should just remove the part in your first post where it says you intend to copy a GW product. I'm not even sure that it is illegal to create derivatives for personal use of a physical product you paid for since you actually own your glyph plates, as opposed to a piece of software which is owned by the copyright holder and licensed to you. If you want to copy a surface (let's assume it's one you sculpted yourself), Instant Mold is great. It is possible to then press green stuff, sculpey or something else into the mould but I found poured plaster to be the fastest and easiest by far. I think you can get a 5 kg bag of Stengips (stone/dental plaster) at Panduro for about 200 SEK. As long as you mix small batches it will last forever.
Yeah I think it's a bit of a gray area, I've seen it done on several places, but's maybe best to be on the safe side. Thanks for the info! I think I shall visit panduro after work today. It's a bit expensive there but it's still great to have that store for some hobby suplies!
have a look at this link from probably the best moldmaker in the buisiness Hirstarts http://www.hirstarts.com/moldmake/moldmaking.html describes in detail what you need to do hope this helps