8th Ed. Dinosaur Fun! 2000pts

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Saurus_Guardian, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Saurus_Guardian

    Saurus_Guardian New Member

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    Hey guys, I like the dinosaurs. So I made a list and want to know what you guys think. As well the list is meant to take on everything. So let me know.

    Armour of destiny
    Sword Of Striking
    Light Armour

    Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Cube of Darkness

    Skink Chief
    Light Armour

    20 Saurus Warriors
    Full Command x2

    1 Stegadon

    1 Ancient Stegadon

    3 Terradons

    3 Salamanders

    The goal is to dwindle down one or two units before they get rammed by the hammers. And then have them come back and support the rest of the table for a clear win. Let me know what you think and what could be made better. I appreciate it.
  2. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Light armor and Armor of Destiny? Is that suppose to be a shield?
    I don't know much about running the dinos. But I'm told the regular steg is really bad.
  3. Dartdon

    Dartdon New Member

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    I am sorry to say, but this list will get torn up by a lot of things, especially by the Bretonnians. Heroic killing blow general, and a trebuchet or two, will tear you apart. And with only 1 block of soldiers you won't have anything to hold off the charges that will be focused on removing your salamanders from the game. Additionally you are lacking heavy magic considering that this is a 2000 point list.
  4. Jabru

    Jabru New Member

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    Im. Ot a fan of the list... I think every liZardmen list needs skink skirmishers and at least 2 blocks of saurus this list just dosent have enough bodys in 2200 ehich is just a little bigger i run 70 skirmishers and 50 60 saurus . Also you lack in magic like if you went against high elves they. Ould easily gt off okhams mind fuck and kill your hq and everything else with just a block of spears but thats just for example. But these are just suggestions you can run what ever you want really
  5. Dartdon

    Dartdon New Member

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    And I can see that you are bringing a good amount of Terradons to try and remove any kind of ranged threat, but most players keep and junk unit near to the ranged threat to soak up a round of combat. So relying on dropped rocks to take out warmachines is pretty risky considering the inconsistency of them. In a fun environment this list may stand on its own, but in a competitive setting your opponent will be bringing catapults, and protecting them with small units, in preparation for your steggys and terradons.
  6. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    I thought the x2 indicated a second block of Saurus. They're small blocks, but two of them.
  7. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I am in agreement with most everyone else on this list. It'll be a tough one to play properly.

    In the interest of making it work, I would recommend you evaluate he gear on your characters. You cannot have the light armor and the armor of destiny, so that'll have to change. If you use one of the typical Scar-vet builds (seen floating around various threads) as a starting point you will make a very awesome Oldblood. Charmed shield is almost a must-have to ward off those pesky cannon-balls. I'd also think about screening your general with a cheap 10-man skink cohort.

    Skink priest I am assuming will be on the EOTG. If not, I would consider taking it. The gungan bubble shield ability will prove helpful for keeping your monsters alive.

    Skink chief NEEDS a ranged weapon. He is great with a blowpipe and not half bad with the 3x shortbow staff thing. Staff of the lost sun?

    It would also be wise to run those sallies in two units, if you can. Have one pair working a flank and a solo guy looking around for stragglers and re-directing chargers.

    If you can find points for a BSB, you should definitely take one.
  8. Hinge

    Hinge New Member

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    Don’t listen to the naysayers. I have spent the last year rampaging through tournaments in California and Texas with a Carno. You can be competitive with a Dino herd.

    A key is controlling the movement phase. For that, you need lots of skink skrimishers. I would drop one unit of suarus and replace with as many units of skinks as you can.

    A BSB is also huge. My only loss this last weekend at Bayou Battles was when my BSB was death sniped before I even got a turn. It is not the only reason I lost but played a big part. With two stubborn monsters, you do not want to lose them because of a crappy break test (which is what happened to me).

    Now, don’t get me wrong, a Carno is far from an optimal list, but it is a blast to play and emphasizes my favorite phase of the game-movement.
  9. Saurus_Guardian

    Saurus_Guardian New Member

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    Oh my! Thanks guys I appreciate the comments! :smug:

    There are two blocks of 20 saurus. I think I'll make it 2 of 24 though.
    A BSB? I can fit one in on the terradon skink chief... And a ranged weapon for him, really?

    And I am re-making the list now. But I am looking for something that says, "HERE ARE THE DINOSAURS!"

    So here is the new list.

    Talisman of preservation
    Charmed Shield
    Great Weapon

    Skink Priest
    Level Two
    Engine Of The Gods

    20 Saurus Warriors
    Full Command

    20 Saurus Warriors
    Full Command

    10 Skink Skirmishers

    3 Salamanders

    Ancient Stegadon

    4 Terradon Riders

    For a total of 1997 points. So I checked out the builds like everyone suggested. And this is what I have made. Any more comments would be awesome and greatly appreciated. :smug:

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