Blog Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Carnosaur painted

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by totzro, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    The scar vet is looking pretty cool. But having revisted that post i noticed the camo skinks, and i have to say i'm loving what you did with the water bases. That is an awesome idea! And that skink eating the fly or bug. Equally as cool. I must say i get a lot of inspiration from your army. It's helped me a lot.
  2. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Thank you very much Danbot! I hope to get back on working on the camo skinks as soon as I am done with scar vet. It just so bad that I can't find my charger I want to take proper pics!

    Also I've started working on a modular gaming table yesterday:
  3. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Still haven't found that charger, so I can't take proper pictures of the camo skinks and the scar vet.

    What I can show you is an update on the first table piece. I've basecoated it. Before I started to paint I soaked the sand in thinned down PVA-glue to secure it. When it dried it made surface nice and sturdy!

  4. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Man I hate doing these double posts, but I guess it's a bit slow going here nowadays.

    I guess it's a bit intimidating seeing this 15 page thread and feel that you can contribute anything. But please post anything you feel like, maybe ask some questions, I'm more than happy to help.

    Anyway I finished that first section of the table I showed in the last post:

    This evening I've spent taking new proper pictures of my army. You can take a look at them over at my flickr page

    They're way to many to show here. Nut here's a sample:

    I'm thinking about posting them in the first post as a summary so you don't need to go through the whole thread to find a particular minitaure. What do you think about that?

    Also here's what I am currently working on.


    I think that these are going to be a blast to paint!

    And I am also doing a skink priest with the cube of darkness

    I can also give you a sneak peak that I'm planning to convert a enging of the gods on a forge world basilisk, actually it's waiting for me in the mail! :D

    See ya!
    Bracnos likes this.
  5. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Summary is an ok idea, as long as you post new pictures to the end of the thread also, as you have been doing this far. I find it really annoying if people post updates only to their first post, to me it's much harder to find the new stuff and also follow the comments of others, because you have to jump between pages to see what others are talking about.

    And yeah, I guess the forum is going through a slow pace, but the same is true for other forums I frequent. Maybe it's because of summer?
  6. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Yes the summary is mostly for new people. But ofcourse I will continue update the thread with new posts. All the work in progress and such will not be posted in a summary.

    I also find it very annoying with people who only update the first post.

    Yep I figured it's because of the summer as well. People have better things to do than hang out on lustria-online :)
  7. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Wow. I missed a lot.

    That table looks really heavy. And I feel like it should be slotted on the side so it'll hold together with the others in case someone bumps it or whatever. Also, I don't know how long it took you, but me and my friend found a that the textured spray paints work wonders on large areas.
    I think it's called Krylon, make it stone.

    The cube is pretty awesome. I can't wait to see those camo skinks finished and in their tray like your other skirmishers. :)

    Bigger pictures of the board and skinks. ;)
  8. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Well it's not that heavy it's entirely made of pink foam. The sanding wasn't that much of a problem, just took time for the glue to dry, but it's very sturdy, can't rub off anything. But I'm gonna have a look for som textured spray paint.

    The plan is to make holes and put plugs in them, and then have rods to connect the pieces together. " on each side.

    Here's a bigger picture of the table:
    (click for even larger)

    If you want to see the chameleons close up I recommend you to check this link out!
    Bracnos likes this.
  9. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Looking good. I think you should add a pond or swamp on one of your game board tiles. I think that would be really cool to do.

    Where did you find those bits of tree scraps for the camos? Using them well. Like to see how they turn out painted. I hope the green stuff on the tops of their heads turns out looking natural after painting. After seeing yours I've been thinking about how to remove the crests from my own. And I am very unskilled with green stuff. But It looks like a pretty simple cover up.

    Also I've been thinking about the paint on your cube and I like the idea even more. I hope you do some like object source lighting again on it. Like purple or black for the cube of darkness. The paint job will make the conversion really worth doing I think. Good idea once again.
  10. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Thank you dan!

    The plan for my next board piece is actually a small lake, I'm very exited about doing that. I have woodland scenics water effects, I think/hope it will look good. Also thinking about having a poor fella at the bottom of the lake. Sort of a skeleton fishing in a broken row boat.

    The tree scraps are from the GW plastic tree set, it's the same I used for the slann. Great pieces really, altough I think I've butchered a whole tree now :p

    Yes I think a black/purple glow from the cube would be awesome, it is after all THE cube of darkness. I hope I will be able to paint so it looks like it has it's inner light source (much like the cosmic cube).

    Oh btw, look what I found in my mailbox!
  11. elmoheadbutt
    Cold One

    elmoheadbutt New Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Wow what is that?
  12. jayzerus

    jayzerus Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Man, I wish I found stuff like that in MY mailbox...
  13. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    I actually have been using that a whole lot the past few months.

    You were going to use woodland senics realistic water not water effects right? Or both probably.
    I can't imagine getting enough depth to put a guy at the bottom using just water effects. Not sure how much you have used it, but I don't know how that is really going to work out. Unless you planned to make it a crystal clear lake. The only recommended way to add color to the water is by painting the bottom of the lake a dark blue or green color to look deep. I don't think that would work out with a guy at the bottom.

    It says you shouldn't stir or shake the stuff at all or you'll get bubbles. But I have tried to add color to it. I used games workshop paints and it didn't turn out all too well. I bought some cheap acrylic paint and I am plan to give that shot. I don't really like the effect that painting the undercoat looks. I'm trying to make swamps. crystal clear water isn't really an option.

    I had some other issues involving the stuff that kind of turned me off from my work on it for a while. So I haven't tried tinting with the acrylic paint yet. Probably worth mention what went wrong on mine so you don't make the mistake.

    So in testing I learnt that you should pull it to the edges yourself with a brush rather than pouring it in the middle and letting it settle and fill the edges and gaps itself. If you let it set you end up getting a lot of surface bubbles from it rolling on itself. You don't want the stuff to flow at all while it's drying. So make sure you put it in all the cracks and pull it to the edges.

    So already knowing that I poured a swamp land I was working on. I did it in 4 or 5 pours. And on the last one I got lazy and placed it on a box in my basement to dry. But the box wasn't level and it ended up all flowing to one side and made a bunch of bubble on the side it flowed away from.

    I will update with a picture so you can see what I mean. I attempted to cover it with a plankton or algae on the surface with rather poor results. I basically scrapped the project all together and it goes unfinished and I haven't tested anything else since.


    Also I have always been disappointing with the color visible from under the water.
    These are really the only examples I have right now. Well, you can see that there is almost no color under the water in the picture above too.
    Bracnos likes this.
  14. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    That my friend is an forgeworld basilisk which is going to make an awesome ening of the gods (I hope...)

    Somedays you're lucky ;)

    @DanBot: Thank you very much for all the tips! You've made me decide to make some stand alone lakes to test out realistic water (yes I have both) before I try my hands on the lake. Someone said to me that you need to pour thin layers, let it fry then pour another thin layer. Is this right?

    I had a game last night against WoC you can read all about it here.

    And here's some picture that my friend took:

  15. Vaush
    Jungle Swarm

    Vaush New Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    That's an awesome color scheme. Is it possible to get a nice shot of the army together?? To see how all the different units look together marching into battle.
  16. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Thank you! I can try and see if I can get an army shot. Would be nice to have. Not sure if they'll fit on the board piece I've made. I maybe have to build one more :)
  17. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    very nice stuff!

    the move trey for the skinks look very cool (and so does the other stuff too ofc). id say the terradons are my least favorite. i much prefer the purple/blue of the stegadon, but they are still cool.

    overall, you have some very nice contrast going, and a great looking army. cherios!
  18. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    I don't think you should be disappointed at all. That's a beautiful bit of terrain in my book. FWIW, I do my swamp effects with simple Future Floor Wax, which is a clear arcylic, and because it is thin enough to mop with, it retains no bubbles when it sets up. Here's an example:

  19. McCoy

    McCoy Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    I love the colour scheme and have started to copy it.

    One thing I'm really struggling on is the shields. How do you carry out the jade colour scheme? Just found your method.
    I'm using normal shields so I wonder if it would still look ok on the bone styled shield. If not, what kind of colour do you think would go well with the blue and orange?
  20. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Re: Children of Qukai'Huan - Update: Terradons and salamande

    Psst, McCoy... From my paint blog:



    Maybe this will help.

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