I really want to do orange lizards, but am having trouble deciding scale and crest color. Any suggestions?
Orange, great color choice! ^^ I painted my scales blue/turqouise and the crests( skink ones) red, as can be seen here: I suggest you visit this site: Color Scheme Designer. Where you can choose your primary color and see what match. Maybe this could be a good look?
Hmmmm perhaps blazing orange, scab red, and golden yellow, or blazing orange, black, and scab red. (I'd like to see how black crests look). I'll have a model posted in a few days, since I will be on vacation for a few more days
Mine are orange. The color of a dart frog. (orange with blue legs) See avatar and link below. I kept the crests blue due to lore. The fact that they said skinks have blue crests and red crests for important ones. I felt it was important to keep that.
You know black goes very well with orange I would give that a try. My recipe for blue is as follow: (I prime my models white, makes the color brighter and stands out more imo) -Basecoat of Enchanted Blue -Heavy wash of Asurmen Blue -Highlighting/Drybrushing with Hawk Turqoise -Highlight/Dtybrushing with Ice Blue -Final Highlights with Skull White (very fine) -Sometimes a final glaze of Gulliman Blue And in new colors that would be: Regal Blue = Kantor Blue Asurmen Blue = Drakenhof Nightshade (how am I suposed to tell that that's blue?) Hawk Turqoise = Sotek Green (hmm shouldn't sotek have a, hmm maybe, a RED color...) Ice Blue = Lothern Blue Skulle White = White Scar Bear in mind though that I've no experience with the new colors and the result may differ. Hope I've been to some help
Hi, can i ask how you did your orange. It looks really bright and would like to try something similar on Bretonnian Lord