Hi all... I´ve bought my first box of temple guards. Unfortunately some bits are confusing me. It seems like there are same additional bits for customizing the shields. Currently I don´t see how to assemble them. Anyone any hints? Maybe with picture? Thanks in advance...
yes.. it´s on the pamphlet... but nevertheless i´m not shure how exactly it is ment to be assembled (somewhere on the shield). The bits i´m talking about look somehow like necklaces (rope with a skull or something like that). I guess they are intended to be glued to the lower edge of the shields to add some more "blink blink". Unfortunally i wasn´t able to find any picture on the box or even the internet that show how someone has used those bits. Personally I think those bits will be a little bit "too much" - overkill inc. Example: http://www.tabletopbitz.de/product_info.php/info/p6466_Schildverzierung-der-Tempelwache-I-.html
I'm not sure they're even 'meant' for something specific... I mean, there's more than twice as many heads as bodies too (at least in the battalion box). I'm using them wherever I think something could use something extra, for example on the command group. One of the heads fell off the drum and I replaced it with a different bit (don't really like the severed heads anyway). And I'm thinking about hanging something from the champion's headgear (used the snake glyph thingy for that). I might also use one or two on shields to create more variation. And maybe on the banner. In short, they're for whatever you want to use them for And if you don't use them on the temple guard, you can always save them for a hero conversion or something.