I can't figure out what scheme to go with. What do you guys think. http://s136.photobucket.com/albums/q184/liquidblue124/?action=view¤t=20120813_175632.jpg
Agreed, the one on the right has an earthy feel to it. The one on the left is too stark a contrast. If you prefer the one on the left, you should maybe wash it with green in order to tie the colors together some. Just a thought.
The pic doesn't quite show the skin. I like the red as well. The problem with the red is getting the highlights right. Any suggestions?
Either one, provided the green is toned down to more of a pastel. Right now it looks almost neon and there is no blending between the two colors, which looks rather unnatural.
I'm with T`hinker`er on this one. If you want that green as your skin color, which I think look fine, you should consider finding an alternative scheme for the scales. I know red is the complimentary color for green, but scheme is quite common I think. Maybe you coul try a bright yellow? Of the scales color I like the earthy red best, but then you need to make to skin more tone downed and earthy as well. Plus the scales could use some highlights. Maybe a thin drybrush of bleached bone (nest to none paint on the brush). I hope I've been to some help.
Yellow/orange is really commonly used because people don't think that it's commonly used. I'd suggest maybe some purple/blue to complement the green skin. Like this: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=g...226&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0,i:114 Except maybe switch the colours