So I currently own some quite old Saurus warriors. This picture is from ebay, but I think they're the same as my ones. I am wondering, does anyone have any spare heads/1 or two arms? I'd be willing to pay for them, or maybe swap for other spares I have. My guys look very sorry without their heads, and the lack of parts is putting me off painting them. Secondly, I'm going to build a crab, to use in my 'Marine based lizardman army' (My thread is in the lizardman general section). This crab is probably going to be a stegodon proxy, maybe a slann carrier, I'm unsure. Currently, I want to use carnofex arms (tyranid) as the crabs legs and the carnofex claws as the crabs claws. I'm currently unsure on what to build the body out of, as well as general shape. I'm considering using an actual sea shell and having the whole thing look like a giant hermit crab, but I feel this would look stupid. Thanks for your help!
Considered an actual crab shell for the basis of the body? There are lots of shapes, styles and sizes, though I'm not sure where exactly you'd buy em. eBay maybe.