8th Ed. Blessed Spawnings of the Old Ones

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by hardyworld, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Forward: The rules herein are unofficial. They are not extensively tested. And they represent one experienced Lizardmen player's idea of what Blessed Spawnings should be in the 7th Ed. Lizardmen army.

    Blessed Spawnings

    Many Lizardmen are born under the influence of one or more of their gods, the Old Ones. Such spawnings exhibit particular characteristics in both physical attributes and abilities. For example, Lizardmen spawned under the influence of Tlanxla have red-brown scales and are particularly skillful in hand-to-hand combat. Rarely, some Saurus emerge from the spawning pools blessed by several Old Ones, showing a combination of expected characteristics.
    Any unit of Saurus Warriors or Skinks may take one Blessed Spawning and counts as a Special choice rather than a Core choice. If a skink unit includes their spawn-kin, Kroxigors, they too benefit from the spawning. Saurus Scar-Veterans, Skink Chiefs, and Skink Priests may choose up to one Blessed Spawning. Saurus Old-Bloods may choose up to two Blessed Spawnings (may not be the same one). Regiments that have a Blessed Spawning may only be joined by characters that have the same Blessed Spawning (Slann Mage-Priests are an exception). One unit of Saurus Warriors with a Blessed Spawning may have a magic standard worth up to 25 pts.

    Hidden within the darkest corners of the Lustrian jungle are entire armies of Lizardmen spawned under the eye of a single deity. These armies are known of Sacred Hosts. These are rare and apparently spawned with some great duty to perform.
    A Lizardmen army may be a Sacred Host of any of the 12 most venerated Old Ones. In a Sacred Host army, all units and characters that may take a Blessed Spawning must bear the sacred host’s spawning. In addition to saurus warrior and skink units, all skink skirmisher, terradon rider, cold one cavalry, and kroxigor units must bear the sacred host’s spawning and benefits from it (unless the spawning's restrictions say otherwise). Core units with the Sacred Host’s spawning stay core. Saurus Old-Bloods may bear a 2nd spawning when in a Sacred Host list. Special Characters may be included in Sacred Host lists, benefitting from the host spawning as long as they are in a unit that bears it.

    Blessed Spawning of Tzunki: 10 points/Unit 10 points/Character
    Those blessed by Tzunki have a great affinity for water; their webbed appendages and gills make them just at home under water as on land. Those blessed by Tzunki have a sea-green hue to their scales.
    Aquatic, +2I
    Skink Priests with this spawning can only take spells from the Lore of Life.

    Blessed Spawning of Sotek: 20 points/Unit 10 points/Character
    Sotek is the god of vengeance, embodying the righteous anger of the Lizardmen. The unlike most spawnings, it seems to affect saurus sub-species differently than the other races; showing unusual ferocity, but at a cost of discipline. Those spawned under Sotek have red scales; in addition, skinks have red crests.
    Saurus: Devastating Charge
    Skinks: Devastating Charge, Hate Skaven
    Skink Priests with this spawning can only take spells from the Lore of Beasts.

    Blessed Spawning of Tlanxla: 25 points/Unit 10 points/Character
    Embodying the warlike nature of the Lizardmen, the earth-toned warriors are granted precision in hand to hand combat.

    Blessed Spawning of Quetzl: 20 points/Unit 15 points/Character
    Quetzl is the divine protector, warrior-god of the lizardmen. Those spawned under Quetzl have boney scales.
    5+ Ward Save against all hits Strength 6 or higher
    Skink Priests with this spawning can only take spells from the Lore of Death.

    Blessed Spawning of Tzcatli: 30 points/Unit 10 points/Character
    Tzcatli grants strength to the warrior’s arm to those who honor him. Eating the hearts of their slain foes, the blood-eyed followers strike down their foes with remarkable force.
    All close combat attacks with mundane weapons count as ‘Armour Piercing’.

    Blessed Spawning of Tlazcotl: 5 points/Unit 5 points/Character
    Thazcotl, the impassive, embodies the cold-blooded impassiveness of the Lizardmen. This deity’s servants are cold, patient, unresponsive, an unmoved by any event around them. These warriors will continue to fight stoically until either they or their foes lie dead. A tinge of yellow is seen in the scales of those lizardmen exalted by the Old One Thazcotl.
    Immune to Psychology
    Skink Priests with this spawning can only take spells from the Lore of Metal.

    Blessed Spawning of Chotec: 15 points/Unit 5 points/Character
    Chotec is the god of the sun, imbued with a fiery energy that belies the cold-blooded nature of the race. The heat of the sun burns within of the servants of Chotec filling them with energy when others become sluggish. Lizardmen spawned under his power are fiery orange.
    Unit has swiftstride.
    Skink Priests with this spawning can only take spells from the Lore of Fire.

    Blessed Spawning of Huanchi: 10 points/Unit 5 points/Character
    Huanchi is the predator god of earth and night, whose symbol is a stealthy jaguar. Servants of this Old One have prodigious skill of hunting and stalking, and are able to move through dense areas of jungle with little effort. Lizardmen spawned under the eye of Huanchi have darker scales, sometimes almost black.
    Forest Strider, Causes Fear
    Skink Priests with this spawning can only take spells from the Lore of Shadow.

    Blessed Spawning of Tepok: 15 points/Unit 15 points/Character
    The inscrutable god, Tepok, symbolizes magic and wisdom. The god of air marks his servants with purple scales.
    MR(1), all mundane attacks are Magical

    Blessed Spawning of Potec: 20 points/Unit 15 points/Character
    Often venerated along with Tepok, this Old One protects his followers from the supernatural. The violet eyes of those marked by Petoc warns intruders that illicit magic was not in the Old Ones’ plan.
    6+ Ward Save against all magical attacks, +1 to channeling attempts (Unit/character channels on a roll of a 6 if it doesn't otherwise channel)
    Skink Priests with this spawning can only take spells from the Lore of Light.

    Blessed Spawning of Xhotl: 15 points/Unit 5 points/Character
    Chooser of those destined for greatness, Xhotl protects his deep blue-scaled chosen by striking down those who mean to disrupt the plans of the Old Ones.
    For each unsaved wound suffered in Close Combat, then an automatic Strength 2 hit strikes the unit who caused it; hits are randomized like shooting and these wounds count toward combat resolution.

    Blessed Spawning of Xapati: 15 points/Unit 5 points/Character
    Deity of vengeance, Xapati eliminates those who dare enter the Lustrian Jungles against the will of the Old Ones. His teal-hued followers go to war knowing they won’t die in vain.
    For each unsaved wound suffered in the Shooting Phase, the unit causing the wound suffers an automatic Strength 2 hit; hits are randomized like shooting and may cause panic tests.

    Blessed Spawning of Itzl: 5 points/Character
    The god of cold-blooded animals grants his chosen unnatural control over the Lustrian creatures. Elaborate, bony head-crests and a beastly musk characterize those blessed by Itzl.
    If mounted, the character’s mount has 1 additional attack. This no longer applies to the mount once the character is dead. (characters only)

    Blessed Mark of the Old Ones: 35 points/Character
    The most auspicious and rare of blessings is easily recognizable, for those who have it have albino skin tones. They are treated with much reverence, fore their fate is seen as important in the eyes of the Old Ones.
    The character may reroll D3+1 single D6’s per game. This can potentially cause an Irresistible Force or avoid a Miscast. (characters only) (only one per army)
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    I like these. pretty cool stuff
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Hey hardy, good to see you here. :)
  4. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Hey n810, I'm still around...just not as much as I used to be. The folding of TPV2 really got me down on my LM army. I'm back because of the rumors that LM will get an update a year from now. Although I'm still focusing on my OK for now.
  5. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    Tepok way too cheap for unit
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Great job, this seems pretty balanced. I agree that Tepoc is a little underpriced for units. I like that marks can let skinks take different lores of magic. I think that's a fair concept: Skink priests can take lores other than Heavens if they pay a little more. Vampire Counts have something similar. I don't expect GW to bring back Blessed Spawnings, and if they do it won't be as indepth as this.
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Actually it's pretty close to the old spawnings.
  8. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    I feel the unit ones could be a wee bit more expensive.
  9. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Well they do push the unit from core to special....

    I think they origionaly had different cost for the sacred host list though.
  10. Roka

    Roka New Member

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    i love this idea, but the point values seem a little low to me for how good some of these are. lizards do not come cheap
  11. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    I don't know, according to the rumours on DakkaDakka, GW tries to put "a special twist" on each army. With High Elves this has something to do with characters in the army giving special abilities to the units, with Warriors of Chaos a new version of the Eye of the Gods chart and so forth. Of course, these are just rumours, but if this is the trend GW is taking, I think it's entirely possible to get the Spawnings back.

    I love the idea of the Spawnings and I think hardyworld has done really nice job with these. Especially the idea of Skink Priests with different lores is fantastic! Although I think the Spawning of Potec is little over the top, if it works so that with the Sacred Host of Tepoc, all the units in the game would be able to channel. Or did I misunderstand?

    Anyway, great stuff!
  12. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Yea I believe a unit can only take one spawing..... in his rules.

    But I do recall the old rules let you take two but the unit
    would move from a care unii to a rare unit. :shifty:

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