Jurassic Park miniature version

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Moustache, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Moustache

    Moustache New Member

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    Hi all. My name is moustache and I love warhammer. I hav had the Island of Blood since last Christmas (which is good, but lack of Lizards and bountiful amounts, perhaps too bountiful, of Skaven makes it a bit less amazing.) but have been in love with the Lizardmen since I was 9, when I saw the *new* verson of White Dwarf, with the Lizardmen starring. I read it, and so began a long affair of being infatuated with models. I really want to make a green army, as the blues just don't look very, well, real. I hope you all do well on your projects. Now back to the *shudder* SKAVEN.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Skaven have to be played with a comical mindset for me. It's just too much fun to see them firing on themselves, scurrying away, or having their warmachines blowing up or firing in random directions. Good times.

    Welcome to the forum!

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