Lustria's Best

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by DanBot, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    It's about time to get this contest started!
    Get your models now

    If you haven't read anything about it yet, I'm hosting a painting contest featuring T'hinker'er's two new sculpts.
    Sadly it is far to late for me to be awake and I made a few oopsies in spelling in my banner. :(

    Also I have decided to limit this first contest to just the two models.

    In any case I am mostly proud to launch Lustria's Best! Featuring T'hinker'er's sculpts. The first in perhaps several Lustria's Best contests. I'll make sure to get the banner right next time and perhaps fix this one soon. Please do not post anything yet. As I am going to grab the first few post for a bit of origination and breaks in text walls. This contest will be a little different since we have no polls. So It may involve some moderate to heavy reading for those interested.
  2. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    How it works:

    How to enter:

    Since this model has just been released there is no need to post a picture of your model before you start working on it. All you have to do is post the final picture of it here. If you don't see your name listed under contests a few days after posting, drop me a PM just to keep me in line. Of course it would be nice to let us know here that you are interested in entering and that you bought the model. Just so I get the idea about who is planning to enter. Surprise entries are just fine too. And in cases maybe better.


    Since we have no polls, that is not an option. Instead, I will be picking judges. Well, taking volunteers. I will create a form to fill out. Much like iron chef. The form will include points totals in categories and more importantly a comments section for each one. I say more important, because from what I have gathered, people don't particularly like entering contests because they get very little feedback and only the top few entries get many votes. The forms will be sent to me after being completed.(you can also post them here or PM them to the contestant if you wish) Then the scores for each section will be added up and I will divide them by the number of judges giving each entry an average score. I will then post each entry and it's score on the first page. The comments will be collected for each section and I will PM them to the contestant. The contestant wont ever know what judge gave them what comment unless the form was sent to them or posted here by the judge. So be honest. Comments and criticism required.

    How to become a judge:

    We can have any number of judges. No limits! Just let me know any time before the contest ends that you are interested in being a judge, if you are up to the task that is. Via PM or posting here preferred. There are some requirements if you think you are up to the task.

    1. Be honest. Be fair.
    2. Judge one, judge all. If you fill out the form for one entry, you have to fill it out for each entry. All judged equally. (they wont know who sent the negative comments)
    3. Take your time. Don't blow threw the ones you don't like. Try and help.
    4. Be honest with yourself. The first question you will have to answer is about your own skill so the contestant knows what to expect. "rate your own abilities 1-5"

    If you think you are up for the task, you can be a judge and a contestant. Just simply don't fill out a form for your own model.

    If we have less than three judges at the contest's end, I will judge as well. I don't think I'm all too good at painting so I will try and sit that out as well.


    This contest has three end conditions.

    1. in three months from the start if we have at least 5 entries it will go to voting. (Jan 1st)
    2. if at the end of the three months we do not have 5 entries, it will continue until we get our fifth entry. Then it will end one week after the fifth submission giving stranglers one week to catch up. (Jan 1st)
    3. if after 6 months we do not have 5 entries it will end. If we do not have at least 2 entries at that time, I will submit my own as our second. T'hinker'er of course being the first. (May 1st)

    Judging from: first thoughts/rough draft. Ideas on this would be great.

  3. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Lord Tsunami
  4. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Any questions?
    Ideas for Lustria's Best #2?
    Any sort of feedback?
  5. elmoheadbutt
    Cold One

    elmoheadbutt New Member

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    Any modifications allowed? For eg. replacing the weapon or adding spikes, etc.
  6. PossumCraft

    PossumCraft New Member

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    Might be an idea to link to where said miniatures are available
  7. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Sounds like fun.
    Though I vote for a different judging method . Everyone should be able to vote.
    Everyone has 3 ranks/votes to give to the different contestants

    1st gives 3 pts

    2nd gives 2 pts

    3rd gives 1 pts

    Also to make the points valid you have to give some critique.
    The participants are also able to vote but not on their own entry.

    At the ending of the judging period you count the pts and declare a winner.

    This way we'll get more points flowing, people can give more entries their support and people will get critique which is always good.

    They have this system over at the Bugman forum and I think it works very well. What do you think about this?
  8. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    @PossumCraft: I don't think they are quite on the market yet. Waiting on his honeymoon to end for that info. Shouldn't be long. When I get that info, It'll be in the top post big and bold. I'll make sure.

    @elmoheadbutt: yep. Have at it. You even get points for your conversion work during judging.

    @totzro: That may work pretty well. But I fear only the top few will get critiques and people wont be as honest posting critiques here rather than sending them anonymously. I'll give it some thought. And if others would prefer this method as well, I'll use it. But anyone can be a judge. As long as they judge them all not just a few.
  9. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I think I'll sit this one out, I took part in a sculpting section of a Mini contest with vampire counts and got a few angry comments (though the support far out weighed the negative side).

    EDIT: I managed to misread just about all of that, probably assumed far too much as soon as I saw the word "sculpt".
  10. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    @totzro: I have given this method a bit of extra thought and I see some real advantages with your method. Especially considering Rikard comment. Some of those being, your method could get people more comments! It's faster for people that don't want to get too involved, but those people can actually be involved with little effort. And the biggest advantage IMO; with my anonymous method, if something like what happened to Rikard happens and you get a comment you don't agree with or you don't understand, getting clarification and further direction from the source would be almost impossible.

    So I have decided that if we get 5 or more contestants I will open it up to both forms of voting. The winner of yours being called: Winner of the Popular vote! And mine being: Winner in Closed Judging. I see no reason to not have both if possible. I don't want to count out either one without having tried each. And in the next contest if both work out, I may continue both.

    @Rikard: understandable. But I bet we at lustria are much nicer than the vampires. ;) Nothing is stopping someone of your skill from judging. Also I was thinking about hosting Lustria's Best 2 with one of your new Avatars if you like that idea.
  11. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    @Danbot: that sounds reasonable. I hope we can get some contestants though. Is the models up for order yet?

    EDIT: I actually forgot that over at bugman people usually gave nice constructive critique to all the contestants. Very friendly and nice atmosphere. I think one has to be a good example in the critique for others to follow :)
  12. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Hey guys! I've been back from my honeymoon for a couple weeks now but so overwhelmed with getting my professional life back up to speed (not to mention my bride and I getting moved in together, etc!) that I haven't been allowing myself to do any Warhammering...but that should change really soon, and in fact I even found time to flock some Saurus last weekend :)

    Soooooo, as for this contest, all I can say is wow, cool, and I'm really thrilled and honored by it! I called Chapterhouse today and was told that the models will definitely be done in resin and the price will be somewhere around $14 per model, although the final decision on that will be made after production begins. The plan, I am told, is for that to start taking place as early as next week, but that miniatures will not be up on the website for sale for about 3 weeks, give or take.

    In the meantime, as of today, the figures are up on the Chapterhouse website, so go take a look and please help them get the word out about them!

    The link is here:

    The better they sell, the more likely there will be more reptillian sculpts made, which is something I think we'd all like to see, right?

    I am super stoked to see them painted up all different ways by all the talented folks on this list too! My only question is, would it be o.k. for me to be in this contest too, or would it be more appropriate if I were one of the judges? I am leaning towards the later, as I think that would sit better with everyone.

    Well, cheers everyone, and it's great to be back! :D :D :D
  13. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    It's actually set up so that you can do both if you wanted to. Since you're going to paint them anyway, you may as well. It's friendly competition.

    Also got our first official judge before they are even released. Good sign!
  14. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    I can't wait to get my hands on these figures. I've been missing them since I mailed them off for casting...

    I am really looking forward to having my Skrox units all painted and finished though - it's been like a year long project for me! I have lots of ideas about colors and so on.

    But it seems like a conflict of interest to me to both enter and vote, so maybe I should just stick with being a judge?
  15. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    I know you wanted to enter before. So don't let that stop you. ;)

    But I understand. If you only want to do one or the other. I'm going to try not to do either if I can help it. But if we have too few entries I'll be entering mine. You could do the same. Pick a number in your head that you'd like see, say 5 or 6. And if we have fewer than that enter yourself. That's what I did on the front page under "when the contest ends"
  16. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Ok, sounds good!
  17. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    I'll be watching this with interest, but I won't be participating.

    I do like the idea of everyone judging by votes. I believe how they do it at the Chaos Dwarf Forums is good - everyone PM's anonymous votes, picking their 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Each vote is worth one point, the one with the most wins. Fairly simple. Comments and critiques can go in the main thread.

    Suggestion for Lustria's Best #2: Pick a broader subject. They're great sculpts, but I'll never buy them. If you'd gone with 'Kroxigors' instead of just 'T'inkerers specially sculpted kroxigors' then I think more of our forum might participate.

    Suggestion for next subject matter: it seems common for the winner to be able to pick the next subject for the contest. Ideas: Special Character, Standard Bearer, Musician, specific kind of hero, a duel, and many more that can be found and modified from here:

    Subject Matter #2: This is the Lizardmen Forum. Lets keep this contest to Lizardmen entries only! If people want to do an Off-Topic painting contest in the future, lets have that as a seperate entity.
  18. Anton_S
    Temple Guard

    Anton_S Member

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    Good points Moniker.

    I like the idea of everyone getting to vote by PM. It's slightly harder than just clicking a poll so there would be no random clicking. People should be encouraged to offer constructive criticism along with the votes but it shouldn't be mandatory.

    Everyone who gets those models should enter, including DanBot and T'hinker'er. I don't think there will be that many entries in such a narrow subject contest and this is a rather small forum to begin with.

    I will not enter this one, but I'm willing to vote and/or judge.
  19. Didymus
    Chameleon Skink

    Didymus Active Member

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    Agreed. I'll be waiting for #2 as well.
  20. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    Sooo.... How's this going? I want to participate in a painting contest! Buddy of mine is on the VC forum and they have like eight going at the same time. Let's get on this kids!

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