8th Ed. how to deal with Minotaur spam

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by sabastionz, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. sabastionz
    Jungle Swarm

    sabastionz New Member

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    Hey guys,
    soon I am going to be playing a 4k game vs Beastmen where he is going to be taking allot of Minotaurs, Doombulls and a few or the hero Doombulls (i forgot what they are called) any idea how to go about killing this monster spam?
  2. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    shoot them with skinks. redirect them. shoot them with magic (T4 and bad armour makes them really easy to kill).

    what you should NOT do is to fight them unless you KNOW you will win. they will mangle sauruses unless you can augment/hex so do not give them a fair fight.

    i do not wish to make the matter seem too simple, because it isnt, but i do not see any better ways than the above mentioned ones.
  3. Rhodium

    Rhodium New Member

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    4k??? At that level you can get two lore master ruminating Slanns!! Choose life shadow metal or death and then destroy them the big spells!

    However as tsunami said don't just fly into combat with them, they will rip you, however if you have a ruminating shadow slann, 7 dice mind razor (feel like a dark elf) and bounce the miscast with cupped hands. You have plenty of points allowance to get this on the board
  4. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    And our foes shall drown in a sea of poison.
    HoverBoy – a tactical genius.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Two Slann is probably more optimal, but I'd be itching to try a Carnosaur/Slann combo. A Carnosaur should have plenty of multiwound models to munch on.
  6. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    Take at least 6 units of skirmishers, your darts will block out the sun
  7. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    A friend of mine plays beasts and I have developed some alternatives to magic and shooting if you either want to engage in or cannot avoid combat. A couple key items to keep in mind are that minos are expensive (especially with upgrades), start with frenzy only if a doombull or gorebull is with them and have poor AS and leadership. Keeping that in mind, here are a couple tactics that have worked for me:

    1) Skrox - A standard block of 6 minos will run well over 300 points and closer to 400 if it has any upgrades or command. An equivalent point value of skrox can contain 3-4 krox, command and extra skinks beyond the minimum if only 3 krox are taken. A 3 krox unit deployed 10-12 across can advance, shoot and then S&S, dropping about 6 wounds of minos. In combat, the skinks strike first and will kill another mino on average, leaving the battle at 3 krox vs 3 minos, which will likely result in nearly equal wounds caused but exchanging skink wounds for minos wounds is a fantastic bargain. Even with impact hits, the minos are likely to lose combat since the skrox will still have 3 ranks & banner to start, resulting in a fleeing mino unit. Even if the skrox lose, they are steadfast and will finish the minos off the next turn.

    2) Sacrificial lambs for the minostar - the minostar (18+ minos & mino characters) can be really nasty and rip through lizzie infantry with loads of S5/S7 attacks. To counter this, a suicide skink unit with a frontage of 1 can charge, lose combat and then the minostar is forced to pursue (albeit d6"). This can be used to pull them 90 degrees away from the main effort (requiring an entire turn to sort themselves back out) or to draw them into a trap. The trap is set by placing another disposable unit 1-2" away from the first so that the overrun hits it as well (leading to a 2nd overrun during the mino turn). Lizzie units are positioned to hit the flank(s) during their own ensuing turn with a block of infantry supported by steggies & characters. This should result in a combat win for lizzies and potential breaking of the minostar (unless it has the crown of command, which is likely). If the crown is in the unit, hitting one flank with a big skrox unit and the other with steggie &/or carnie lord & infantry block works well since it prevents combat reforms and thus the number of minos fighting every turn decreases as casualties are inflicted. Eventually, the unit can be ground down to nothing although this will take a fair bit of time or you may get lucky and have it fail a break check (lore of death with doom and darkness will really speed this process along!!).

    3) Scar vet cowboy - for minos without g/w, the cowboy with dawnstone can hold them in place and likely win combat. If the minos don't break, another unit can flank them in a subsequent turn and then they will definitely break from static CR and active wounds inflicted.
  8. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    the idea of using SKrox is a good one in this case. sauruses will die just as fast as skinks (almost anyway) and it is obviously better to lose X skinks instead of X sauruses. Stonecutters maths also shows just how vulnerable minotaurs are to skink shooting. 10 javelin wielding skinks will do ~2 wounds per round of shooting depending on if they are close or not. Minotaurs are just like ogres: they rarely have models who do not fight, so any minos you can knock down before they reach combat will really hurt the killing power of the unit.

    The notion of using the minotaurs frenzy against them is one i truly approve of :smug: you can even mess up his battle line by forcing the "minostar" to run sideways and block another units advance. just a word of caution though. if you do this, the minotaurs will start stacking their frenzy. you will pretty much never be able to fight it if you start doing this. "when you hold a tiger by the tail it is just as difficult to let go as it is to hold on" ;)

    The cowboy can work too, but if your opponent does not accept the challenge (and champions dont have to) he will still be able to put 12+ attacks on the saurus. thats 6 hits, 3 wounds and -2 to AS. you still have a 3+ rerollable save, but you never know when bad luck strikes, and you only have 2 wounds to begin with. It is probably best to combine this with either a flank charge or angling to the side so IF things go badly, you wont get a pursuing minotaur unit in the lap of saurus warriors who stand behind the cowboy.

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