Forming Ranks

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by lordberti3, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. lordberti3

    lordberti3 New Member

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    hello, i have 2 questions...

    the first being my skink regiment (javelins) wont rank up, can i make a movement tray with gaps or would that be illegal?

    the second being how do i make a movement tray, what materials do i use?

    thanks in advance
  2. Anton_S
    Temple Guard

    Anton_S Member

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    With some models you have to be careful when you assemble them in order for them to rank up properly. With Lizardmen it is often the tail you need to pay attention to.

    For movement trays I always use the GW Modular Movement Tray set. Each set has two sheets with room for 10x10 20mm bases or 8x8 25mm bases and it is very easy to cut into the exact shape you need.
  3. Lord Cedric

    Lord Cedric Member

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    Yep, ranking lizardmen up can sometimes be a "tail" of a problem. :smug:

    Ok ok, bad jokes aside, you can pre-pose the models on their bases with blue-tack or equivalent to get them to rank up the way you want. Remember, models don't always have to be centered on a base. Some methods include alternating which side of a base to glue the models in a given rank and then numbering them in order under the base so you know which way they go. If this method needs to be done with commands, especially bannermen, sometimes a counter-weight will need to be added so the model stands on table correctly.

    Like Anton_S above, I use GW modular and pre-sized movement trays. Alternatively, there are many other ways to make them yourself. One popular way is to not throw away any of your emptied model sprues and use the thicker parts as the movement tray trim. The tray itself can be metal (if your making magnetic units), plasticard, thin non-corrugated cardboard, or even wood (which Gale Force 9 uses I believe.. or some equivalent War Gaming store).

    I am sure other members here can give more examples and even post pics or links to different ideas on making movement trays. I recently read about someone using a 3D printer to print their own plastic movement trays. Now *thats* genious. :D

    - Lord Cedric
  4. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    You can use sprues as mentioned for the edges, then cut up the boxes that the models came in for a simple easy method.

    Personally I use strips of balsa wood and card or thin wood. I find it's more sturdy.
  5. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I use sheet metal that is cut to the shape I need. The magnets on the bottom of the models keep them in rank. They do not all line up correctly though. I also do not use a edge to the tray. That way, it looks like my troops are standing on the battlefield itself.

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