Hi there, I've been collecting Lizards for about a year now and I finally got my hands on a stegadon and a slann. Thought I might as well show the forum and get some feedback (especially on the Slann, because I tried something new). Take a look. Slann (not done) Stegadon Salamander Terradons (not done) Skink Priest Thanks for looking!!! I am totally open for suggestions, so comment away
Good solid painting, I like the slann! One question though? Are you finished with the painting or are these still work in progress? I see some details are missing. It's hard to give proper feedback if we don't know the state of the painting. But from what I can tell you're on a good way. My first critique is that your blue and bone seem to lack some depth, I would give them some wash. Blue and brown respectively. That's the easiest way to create depth and shadows. Secondly: I really like the color scheme of the terradons but since they have the same skin color as the skinks it looks a bit weird. Matby you could try a different shade of blue? Keep up the good work!
Hi thanks for the feedback! Kharn the betrayer- Thanks! and as for basing I am going to do the dirt like the stuff that is on the table, but hopefully I will get around to spicing it up and adding in some grass or pieces of a temple. Not totally sure. Totzro- Hey! Thank you, glad you like it, yeah the slann isn't done. The slann body is but not his palanquin. I plan to do the blue light from the eyes and put it on some of the areas of the bones and palanquin, so I hope that will look good. Anyways neither my slann or my terradons are done but the skink priest, the stegadon, and the salamander are. Thanks for the tip, I usually use devlan mud for the bone but I'll give it a shot. And as for my terradons, they could defiantly benefit from a few critiques I think. As for making them a darker shade of blue should I repaint them or just wash them darker to set them apart from the skinks? Again thanks for the feedback!
Holy s**t i <3 that slann. Only suggestion would be to change the jewellery colour. Nice sallie, reminds me of a warning thing.
very good job on the source-lighting on the slann. however, i am missing a bit of contrast on your other models. i would recommend some washing here and there to make them look even better