First off this forum has the most violent set of avatars I have ever seen. Now that I got that outa the way. Hello Lustria! I am going to be playing Lizardmen after a long and painful process of elimination. I have looked over every army and this one is the creme de le creme of awesomeness. My girlfriend didnt have nearly as hard a time choosing. So its going to be alot of Lizardmen vs. Beastmen batreps. Now I need to get some models. I had planed on the battalion box for a start, but whats a good HQ to start with? Love this one
I recently started lizardmen. My first purchase was the battalion set, and after that I picked up an oldblood and a box of skinks and another of saurus. My only problem is I have no magic. I feel like a skink priest is a must have when you're starting out.
Hey m8 nice too see you started lizardmen for a heroe i bought battalion and then i bought a stegadon which comes with skink chief + priest these are perfect for starter battles as they are boh cheep points and it also means u wont miss out on magic phase . Later on when u expand ur army (2000) u might want to invest in a slann as im sure uve heard they are the best wizards in the game but they wont fit into small battles. Hope this helps Ps: buying a stegadon means u have a monsterous mount too use with ur heroes as well Happy collecting m8
Welcome to the forum! It's fairly easy to create a custom Skink Chief, Skink Priest, Scar-Vet, or Oldblood from the battalion box. The new TG kit has tons of goodies in it.
I'd say steg , battalion,slann , xtra Saurus, xtra skink, camos, 3 teradons, Xtra temple guard, and 2 sallies. If you have the money to drop